Jen's New Novel Is Out... Time to Read Some Fic!

Jul 26, 2012 14:04

It's been a mad, mad, mad past few months, trying to crank out the next book in the Erin Solomon series in record time. I'm very pleased to report that Sins of the Father is now officially out -- you can pick up a copy on Amazon for Kindle here, or Smashwords for Nook, Kobo, and all those other sundry e-readers here. If you feel like it. No pressure, though... You're a free people, you really can do whatever you'd like. :)

The novelling process was an interesting one this time -- I feel like I've gotten to know Erin and Diggs and the gang so well now that they just kind of write themselves... And throw a huge hissy fit when I try to make them do anything they'd rather not. Now I'm in that weird nether-world where I've finished one novel and am not quite ready to start the next one (though I don't think that will last long -- Diggs is whispering sweet, tormented nothings as we speak)... Life is always a little more anxious, a little bit... wider, somehow, just after finishing a big project. Like I've been underwater for months, and now I suddenly need to relearn walking and talking among the rest of the world. Plus there's that dread bit of waiting for people to read it, because this is the part of the process where my overriding thought is, 'Oh God. It's out there, and it's probably terrible and I've just flushed my short-lived career straight down the toilet.' I wonder if that feeling ever goes away?

Anyway, enough with that nonsense. I really love the novel, personally -- Mostly for the places I got to go with Erin and Diggs, and it's always fun to play with characters when the stakes are as high as they were in Sins. So... Yeah. We'll wait to see what the rest of the world says, but I personally really loved writing this one. So, there you go. Phew. Glad we got that figured out!

And now, I'm looking for a few good fics to get me back to my lovely people. Who's read good ones this summer? My top picks for shows, in order, are The Mentalist, Castle, and Bones. Short or long doesn't matter; sexy tiemz always preferred. And it's gotta be Jisbon for TM, or I'm just not interested. Recommendations?

sins of the father, random rambling, fic recs

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