Jen Round-Up: Working Weekends, TC, BW, Simon Baker & The Good Wife

Jul 18, 2011 13:41

Boy, this is getting addictive. I know I just updated a few days ago, but it seems there are already all sorts of things to babble about. We'll start with, in no particular order, a recap of my weekend.

Ramblin' Jen )

hawaii five-0, random rambling, bw update, tc rambling, the good wife

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Comments 14

zinnia_rose July 18 2011, 18:25:08 UTC
TC: In my head, we have been dating for years; Me: That's a little creepy; TC: Yeah, but I'm cute, so it's not as bad as it would be if I were freakish-looking; Me: You make a good point.

Bwahahaha, this actually made me laugh out loud. TC sounds awesome!

Yay for BW going well. :)

I recently discovered The Good Wife and love it too. I just had to go and look up who Josh Charles plays on it, so he had little to do with my discovery, but it's a good show! :P I do like him as Will, though. He's kind of adorable. But I do have to ship Alicia/Kalinda all the way. Sorry, Will.


bloodwrites July 19 2011, 19:03:47 UTC
TC sounds awesome!
Yeah, he definitely has his good points. So far, I'm a fan. He is a little too cute for his own good, though... And fully aware of that fact. Boys and their egos.

I recently discovered The Good Wife and love it too.
It's sooo good. I'm about halfway through season one (curse that whole no-streaming, only-available-on-DVD thing!), and already can't get enough of it.

I do like him as Will... But I do have to ship Alicia/Kalinda all the way.

I could totally see that, I love Kalinda. I expect I'll be a Kalicia shipper myself before long, regardless of how much I love Josh.


doc_3 July 18 2011, 21:43:07 UTC
Have I told you lately how much I love updates about TC? New relationships are so fun! (Apparently even when they're not your own, lol).

As for Nepal, girl I'm with you. You have to have dinero in the bank before making that trip. But the pics being left around your place is adorable.

Simon Baker, Simon Baker ... yummy. I finally read the 'Mentalist' fic you've started and it was very intriguing - and I don't even watch the show! Well, I've watched enough to know the characters and the Red John stuff, so I wasn't lost. And I do love that laid back sexiness that is Simon Baker.

As for Hawaii 5-0, there is definitely a ship but it is not CBS-approved. Totally Danny/Steve. I've never shipped a slash pairing before these two and I couldn't help myself. Like you, I couldn't figure out the ship at first, but then I started trolling for fic and it was amazing. The quality of writing in this fandom is unbelievable.

Go HERE for an absolutely epic rec post of everything H5-0 by iam_space - she keeps it pretty updated and there are ( ... )


bloodwrites July 19 2011, 19:11:03 UTC
Have I told you lately how much I love updates about TC?
I'm so glad I'm keeping you entertained! I had to laugh the other day, because TC left a note and actually signed it, "TC_ - which I've taken to calling him on a pretty regular basis. He's fully aware of my online life, and is amused to no end at the stuff I've written about him. Now, whenever we're talking and he says something clever, he'll follow it up with, "You should write that down - Your web people would like that." It's working to my advantage, though, because I think he's on his best behavior now that he knows I'm reporting his exploits to the world at large.

I do love that laid back sexiness that is Simon Baker...
Guh. That laid back sexiness makes me turn to goo. Seriously, there are no words.

As for Hawaii 5-0, there is definitely a ship but it is not CBS-approved. Totally Danny/Steve.

LOL - that's what I figured. I don't know that I've ever witnessed quite such a blatant bromance; I can't wait to start reading the fics! I'll head to iam_space straightaway to see what ( ... )


jillianfish July 21 2011, 14:06:35 UTC
"Your web people". I feel honored to be a "web person".

Be prepared to spend hours upon hours reading fic once you start on Space's rec post. I'm telling you-it's incredible.


lizook12 July 19 2011, 00:08:21 UTC
LOL, I'm just imaging you opening cupboards and finding random pictures of Nepal next to your plates or the dog's treats or something. Hilarious and adorable.

Umm, so yeah, welcome to the Josh Charles appreciation society. I've loved him since Sports Night and TGW just takes it to a new level. Definitely keep me updated on what you're thinking (I already sorta of know thanks to talking to J this weekend), but I'm glad you're enjoying it so far! :D


bloodwrites July 19 2011, 19:18:58 UTC
I'm just imaging you opening cupboards and finding random pictures of Nepal next to your plates or the dog's treats or something...
Yeah, the boy is determined. He got a calendar yesterday, and is now threatening to start counting days. It really is a good thing he's so cute.

Welcome to the Josh Charles appreciation society. I've loved him since Sports Night...

I'm showing my age by saying this, but I've been a fan since Dead Poet's Society. My other friends were all about Robert Sean Leonard and Ethan Hawke, but I remember sitting in the movie theatre when it first came out and being totally all about Knox, the lovestruck Romeo trying to impress the pretty prep school girl. I watched everything he did from that point on, so I was thrilled when Sports Night came along - and even moreso with TGW. I was trying not to read any spoilers so I could just let the show flow, but I totally folded and now I know there's stuff coming up between Will and Alicia and I. Can't. Wait.


lizook12 July 19 2011, 22:58:41 UTC
LOL! Yeah, I saw DPS *after* Sports Night started so I was already predisposed to liking Knox. Though I came away loving RSL quite a bit, too.

Eeek! Try not to spoil yourself for it too much, k? I know it's hard, but if Alanna can do it surely you can. I promise it's well worth it. :D


huronia July 19 2011, 02:18:26 UTC
Nepal? Can't he set his sights a little lower? What's wrong with Florida?


bloodwrites July 19 2011, 19:27:07 UTC
What's wrong with Florida?

I know, he's such a goon! But he's been to Nepal a few times - he's one of those guys that spent his twenties backpacking all over the world, he's pretty much been everywhere. And he's a hardcore mountain climber, so that's part of the appeal for him. TC: You haven't lived 'til you've seen a sunset from a peak in the Himalayas. Me: If that's true, I'm not sure I want to live. TC: I'll go to a Comic-Con with you. Me: Now you're just playing dirty.


huronia July 19 2011, 20:44:49 UTC
Offering to go to Comic-Con? Now he's playing hard ball.


jillianfish July 20 2011, 13:49:45 UTC
Let me know if I can help in any way with BW.

TC is great, but Nepal? Really? I dunno, maybe it's just because I never really wanted to travel to that part of the world.


bloodwrites July 21 2011, 12:50:37 UTC
Let me know if I can help in any way with BW.

I will actually, totally take you up on that -- I could definitely use readers/judges to choose which fics will be selected each month. I'm still waiting to find out how many stories I'll actually get this time out, so I'm not certain I'll need your expertise this month... But I may. You know Bones, H50, and you mentioned Criminal Minds, as well... Any other fandoms you'd be comfortable with? The way that it works is that I'll forward the submissions I receive to the BW judges - using a number as an identifier rather than a name or e-mail address, so that it's certain no one is getting preferential treatment - and then you'll have a set amount of time to read through and select your pick. Fics are a max of 5000 words this month, though I haven't seen any that have come close to approaching that; after this month, I'll be reducing that max word count to 2500 ( ... )


jillianfish July 21 2011, 14:04:30 UTC
Lord. I read quite a few fandoms (although, surprisingly, not some of the larger ones like SPN etc). Lets see, in no particular order
-Criminal Minds
-Veronica Mars
-The Glades
-Breakout Kings
-Burn Notice
-CSI: Miami
-House M.D.
-Royal Pains

Are you only doing TV shows or movies too?

I'd go to New Zealand in a heartbeat too...


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