Date Night Redux, More BW & Simon Baker Ramblings

Jul 03, 2011 11:11

Okay, so I thought I would stop in and let folks know how Date No. 2 went on Friday with the D-Man (I'm still not sure D-Man is what I'm going for as his nickname, btw. I told him that I always refer to the men I date with a nickname of some kind, and he of course instantly wanted to know what his was... He's not keen on D-Man. DAN: What about The Teacher? ME: It's not very catchy. I could call you Teach. DAN: Or the Carpenter. Carpenters are cool. ME: Why don't I just call you Jesus? DAN: I could live with that.)

ANYWAY... Date number 2. The D-Man showed up five minutes early, and had actually taken the time to go to The Loyal Biscuit, the pet store where I get all my dog food and dog-related paraphernalia, and find out from the woman who runs the place what the hounds' favorite treats are (I pretty much live at the Biscuit - the owners and I are good friends at this point, and they all know what Killian and Adia love)... So, D arrives with two super-deluxe pigs' ears for the hounds, fresh strawberries and homemade cream, and his guitar. He serenaded me with a medley of '80s power ballads while I made dinner (hi-larious), before taking on a few of the classics - Tom Waits, John Hiatt, Wilco... All the good stuff. He's really pretty good. And damn, I'm a sucker for a man who can sing.

The anxiety wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and once D presented the pups with their treats, they were pretty much goners. So, no problems with the hounds. After dinner, we had strawberries and cream in the backyard while the hounds cavorted around us, then came back in and he'd never seen Firefly... Who in this day and age has never seen Firefly? So, I picked out a couple of episodes and we settled in, and watched. Okay, sometimes we watched. Sometimes... Not so much. I was pretty darn proud of myself, however, when midnight rolled around and I kicked  him to the curb instead of inviting him to stay over. I like that we're taking this slow. I decided a while ago that if I was ever going to date again, I wanted a guy who was going to woo me, take their time... Someone who's head over heels and not afraid to say it. In the past, I've always been attracted to guys who are emotionally unavailable or stunted or just plain self-absorbed. I'm working on breaking the pattern here. No clue whether things with D will work out for the long term, but for right now I'm just content to enjoy the time we spend together and the fun we have.

Plus, there's that whole cuteness thing. He really is tremendously cute.

So... There you go. Jen's Date No. 2 in a nutshell.

And... Onto subject number 2. Namely, BW. Which, if you've just stumbled on the scene, is my Multi-Fandom Fanfiction E-Zine. Can I just say how excited I am about this whole endeavor? It's so refreshing to just be able to say, "This is who I am. This is what I do." And celebrate that, rather than hiding it in the corner like some shameful secret. I got a call the other day from an ex-bf who had seen my post (oh, how I love the transparency of the Internet) on Five Things Fanfiction Taught Me About Writing (That Grad School Didn't), and while he was amused about the fanfic thing, he was also totally supportive and really impressed with the things I'm doing. It was very validating.

I'm psyched about how enthusiastic the reception for BW has been thus far, and am coming up with more and more ideas for how to make this a super-exciting forum for writers and readers alike. I'm working on a dedicated BW website, as well, and that should be up by the end of the week. So... Really cool stuff on that front. I've wanted to do an e-zine for soooo long, but couldn't think of anything I felt passionate enough about to sustain my interest for the long term. Fanfiction and the general fandom vibe are, it turns out, two things that definitely hold my attention.

AND... Finally. I'll say that I just finished season 2 of The Mentalist, and thanks to sweetjamielee , will be starting season 3 today. I love this show. It's actually the back story that has me - there's almost nothing I love more than a good looking, tortured man. And Patrick Jane is nothing if not good looking and tortured. There's a lot of subtlety in the writing of the show and Jane's character in particular, touching on the pleasure-pain principle and a couple of comments Jane has made regarding the fact that one never feels more alive than when one is in the throes of grief. I've lost a couple of people close to me to particularly violent ends, and I definitely think the point is valid. Jane's goal to catch and kill Red John (a serial killer who murdered his wife and child after Jane taunted him on live television) vacillates between obsession and compulsion, and it's interesting to see not only how the writers write that, but how Simon Baker portrays it. Anyway, I'll stop rambling about this - except to say that I HAVE to write a Mentalist fic. And if you haven't watched the show, I'm still firmly of the mind that you should. Sooner, rather than later.

Okay, that's about it for me - seems that now it's time for me to mosey on and get a few other things done, before the day gets away from me. Later, F-List!

simon baker, random rambling, dating, the mentalist, bw fanfiction ezine

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