BW Announces August Fandoms, Submission Guidelines & Other Exciting Ficcy Nonsense

Jul 02, 2011 17:21

July is here! Which means I have loads of exciting information for folks who have expressed an interest in the brand new BW Fanfic E-Zine, which premieres on August 1st. Haven't subscribed yet? Don't know what I'm talking about it? You can get the details and subscribe here. Once you've got your subscription in order, mosey on back to this post for critical information on our first competition to find the writers and fics featured in BW's premiere issue.

In this post, you'll find:
  1. Fandoms featured in the August issue
  2. The August 1 writing prompt
  3. Submission guidelines
  4. How featured fics are chosen, and what featured writers will receive
  5. (Free!) Advertising for Writers in BW

How's that for organization, eh? I know. I'm dazzling myself, here. So, let's start from the top, shall we?

1. Fandoms featured in the August issue, based on responses to a recent poll posted at Bloodwrites and the bw_fanfic_ezine  forum. If you didn't get a chance to vote for the fandoms this month, don't despair - on the 15th of each month, I'll put up a new poll to determine which fandoms we'll be spotlighting in the coming issue. You'll get your chance again, I promise. For this month, however, here's what we have:


2. This month's writing prompt. Combine these three things: A summer heat wave, an overheated office or boardroom, and the line: If I'd known you were coming, I would've worn something a little more... (you fill in the blank)

For this issue, we're topping out at a T rating, so you smut-lovers out there may need to reign yourselves in. Don't worry, you'll get your chance. If you aren't certain whether or not your story pushes the T envelope, you can use Fiction Ratings as a guide. Otherwise, anything goes: plot-driven, angsty, romance, h/c, humor... Whatever floats your fic-lovin' boat. Since these shows are all currently on the air, let's avoid spoilers for the coming season, and just provide some indication of when in the series the story is set and any spoilers there may be for previous episodes.

3. Submission Guidelines.

Interested in submitting a story? GREAT! Here's how it will run...

There will be two categories for the fics - flash fics and longer stories. Depending on what submissions this month look like, I'd love to include a nice mix of both. Writers are welcome to submit more than one fic to more than one category.

Flash Fic/Ficlets/Drabbles: Up to 1000 words, using the August prompt as a guideline.

Longer Stories: Up to 5000 words, using the August prompt as a guideline.

Submitting Your Work:

E-mail your story in the body of an e-mail (rather than as an attachment), to Please include the fandom you are submitting for, the rating of the story (T is the max for August), and the word count. Your submission should look like this:

Subject: BW Submission, NAME OF FANDOM

Body of Email:

PLOT/SYNOPSIS: (If desired - not required)


Within twenty-four hours, you will receive confirmation of receipt of your story, and will be notified by the 25th of the month if your fic has been selected to be featured in BW for the coming month. All writers will receive notification, whether their work will be featured or not.

We're also looking for art work, fanvids, or any other fan-inspired art from any of the five aforementioned shows. The goal is to make this e-zine a feast of the senses for fans far and wide, so if you're good with a computer and feel like giving this a whirl, put together your best SUMMER-THEMED FAN ART or FAN VID and submit to

EXCLUSIVITY: We do request that you submit work that hasn't been posted elsewhere previously. If you're work is selected for the issue, the hope is that you will refrain from posting it elsewhere for thirty days - after which time you can post it anywhere and everywhere you'd like!

Deadline: July 20, 2011
4. How featured stories are selected, and what winners receive.

Stories are selected based on writing quality, originality, and the ability of the writer to stay true to both the voice and the personality of the characters she is writing. If you are interested in being an anonymous judge for any of the fandoms, please contact me. The intent is to have three judges per fandom, in order to ensure a fair, objective selection process.

And what, you may be asking, can featured writers expect from this illustrious new endeavor?

As a BW winner, you will receive a BW Featured Writer medallion to display on your website, the profound respect of your peers, and you will be automatically entered to win the first annual BW Fanfic Writer of the Year award next summer, which will include a monstrously cool BW banner for your site, an even more monstrously cool BW gift pack delivered to your home, and buckets more respect from your peers.

In other words... You should really write a fic for BW. All the cool kids are doin' it.

5. (Free!) Advertising for Writers in BW. If you are a professional writer with a published book or books to your credit (traditionally published, e-books, indie, or otherwise), drop me a line at and I'll be happy to create an ad free of charge to place in the e-zine. Our goal at BW is to connect quality writers with discerning readers, and have a blast doing it. If you aren't sure whether your book would be the right fit for our readers, drop me a line anyway and we can chat about it.

... And I think that about covers it.

If you have any questions, please feel free to drop me a line here or at my e-mail addy, You can join the bw_fanfic_ezine forum for updates on our progress throughout the coming month. Questions? Comments? Drop a line!

exciting announcements, bw fanfiction ezine, fanfiction

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