Okay, so I've been madly writing MitM today, after having spent the past two weeks at this whole new salaried grown up lifestyle. Ugh. Setting policies, writing employee handbooks, running HR seminars, developing marketing plans... I am a workin' fiend, friends. Plus, in another mad-genius move on my part, I decided to completely redecorate my house just seconds before starting said new salaried, grown up life. Good news: studio is DONE (eventually, I will post pics as proof). Bad news: living room is only half-done, everything tarped off and my world complete madness. Urgh. Grr.
In other news, however... Got cable, which I don't think I've had maybe in all of my adult years. At least, never while I've been living alone. And I'm working on the fic, which I started out writing way ahead of the game, but now thanks to rl am woefully behind on. BUT, I have a question for all you fellow fic-Bones-writers out there. Okay, here's the question:
How do you write Brennan? Do you write her as season one Brennan, or as season four/five Brennan? Or somewhere in between Brennan? I got a comment a while back saying that I wasn't giving Bren enough credit and was making her too clueless, and I should watch more season one Bones to get it right. And I'm totally cool with the constructive criticism, but it really got me thinking about this. Because if one writes strictly on the assumption that Brennan evolves from the very strong, only mildly clueless woman that she was in season one, then she would bear almost no resemblance whatsoever to the Brennan we see in season four (and thus far season five) of Bones. No disrespect to HH or anything and honestly, I'm wild about many aspects of the s5 premiere, but the woman who kicked the ever-lovin' shit out of Kenton in season one is a very, very different beast from the one who was nearly mangled by an overweight doctor with a scalpel (and before I start getting flamed hither and yon, believe me, I was right there with you when she was in Booth's arms and he kissed her head and called her baby. Trust me)... Still, the question remains:
How do you write Brennan?
Also, I had another thought on the premiere that kind of got me thinking, and I wondered about anyone else's insights/ perspective. Okay, so we find out in the premiere that Booth's brain scan showed not a lick o' love before he went under the knife, and it seems to me that they made a big point of making that statement. Soooo... Doesn't it follow that they're essentially saying that the person Gordon Gordon referred to in Mayhem on a Cross as "acutely aware of their attraction" is actually Brennan? And did we know that? Because I really, really thought it was Booth. And now looking at things with that in mind, it really kind of changes my whole perception of those last few eps of the season. Perhaps I'm thinking about this too much. Okay, yeah, I'm definitely thinking about this too much. But still... It strikes me as interesting, is all. Any thoughts or alternate perspectives are very much appreciated, of course.
I don't know if I'm going to get the completed chapter of MitM ready and up tomorrow or not - I'm writing my little arse off, believe me, but I'm taking care of the nieces for the remainder of the afternoon and then making an obligatory run to Sam's Club tomorrow so I can afford to continue to feed my hounds in the style to which they've become accustomed. But I'll definitely do my best. Now... How do you write Brennan? And what say you about the brainscan reveal?
Discuss amongst yourselves.
And then (of course) let me know what you decide.
Oh, and... Bones is back, baby! :)