Title: Stairway to Heavens Door
bloodwolfgirl Pairing: ReitaxRuki
Band: The GazettE
Warnings: Character Death
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance, Tragedy
Summary: All I can do is pray, pray that when you reach Heaven's stairway you won't look down. Not until you pass those gates. Ruki's POV
Inspired by:
kei_kyuuketsuki 's story "Fame ~ Airplanes" and Airplane by Travis Garland
I'm sitting here in this white room, the only color showing is my black painted finger nails and dark attire. You're asleep again, you barely have any strenght left. Its killing me, I would give anything to trade my healthy condition with your's so you could be healthy. I really didin't know I had everything till we took that fateful trip to doctors and they found your cancer too late. They timed your life, you even went passed what they had guessed. I cherished every minute of it. Knowing one day I would lose you. I'm grasping your hand, its so frail in my small hands. I remember when I was the on in the hospital bed and you were the on holding my hand. I opened my eyes and I saw your smile, you said you had a gift for me and showed me a picture of a little girl. The adoption had gone through and we got our little Ruka, she's so beautiful. You should see the drawing she made for you. Always asking when Papa will be home. I don't have the heart to tell her that you might not be coming home this time.
The band isn't doing so good, Uruha is a mess, you're like his brother, whenever he come to visit he nearly has a panic attack. Aoi has called me several times saying Uruha has literally gotten sick from worrying about you. Kai...he's trying, he's trying to be positive, but he's slowly slipping to reality. He facade crumbles when he thinks no one is watching. You shift a little in the covers when the door opens to reveal a nurse, she's here to check your vitals again. She's become a good friend of mine over these past two and a half months. She smiles at me and I return it. She is such a sweet girl, even though she's a big fan of ours she never let it get in the way. You'd like her, she was very level headed and was always so nice to Ruka.
I suddenly find myself alone. Not physically, but mentally, I feel as if I don't have support, you're not here with me anymore. All there is nothing but sadness, this white room I was always in for the past three months and four days is empty of your presence. I came in to help clean up all the gifts everyone left you. The fans, your family, our staff and our little family that was our band. Little Ruka screamed as the took you away. She was yelling, she was telling you to wake up, you didn't wake up and she wouldn't let you go. My mom took her out the room and then everyone but our band remained. We cried silently, saying our final goodbyes and watched as the doctors took you out, covered in a white sheet.
All I can do now is pray, pray that when you reach Heaven's stairway you won't look down. Not until you pass those gates. I hope you look over all of us. Look out for Kai, Aoi and Uruha, he's lost his best friend and brother. Pray for your family, our dearest little Ruka, who's picture you smiled so fondly at. Also for me, I need you the most right now and I can't have you. I'll be strong, for those who can't, I will forever miss you. But I know you will always be there for me, Ruka and the band. I thank you for giving me the best years of my life. I will be greatful for you giving me the best years of my life. Most of all, I will love you for giving me the best years of my life. I will always love you, when you're looking down on us, remember that if you ever feel lonely.
Author's Note: I made myself teary eyed writing this. I killed Reita, I'm a bastard! Yeah... inspired by this
song. I'm so emo. The name Ruka I cleverly came up with combing Reita and Ruki.