"Oh just save me, dont let me waste my life.."

Jul 08, 2004 14:17

queen. woot.
so yeah, this is my journal. it all works. like my prettyness? lol
I'm at the VanSickle's babysitting. AGAIN. I swear, i spend more time here than i do at my own house. lately its probably a tie from this damn house arrest crap, but its slowly getting better. i finally get to go out tonight. happiness and joy. The VS's pay well tho. 40 a day, and/or 200 a week.
omg, my head is throbbing. I'm all shaky and stuff. i've eaten today..sorta. i had one of those knock-off slimfast things earlier, for breakfast, then a lean pockets. maybe the lean pocket just hasnt kicked into my system. i've been trying to work out more and eat better. like all i drink is water. lol. ack head stop throbbing. its like..pulsing..
"I want to have a perfect body, i want to have a perfect soul.."
David needs to get back from wales. this whole being completely seperated without communication is killing me. i feel so pathetic. tuesday night hit and i was like..alright. i'm ready for you to be home now. And he's gonna be all christianified from being with pastor and mission trip and stuff, and i, quite frankly, want to fuck his brains out the second i lay eyes on him. I wish he had kyle's sexual personality. Kyle is a great guy, he's sweet and nice and great with kids and awesome at math, but he's not afraid to try new things. And he fucking rocks at all things pussy related. I mean..wow. David is too breast focused, but really doesnt like to bite. i'm like, if you're gonna play with my breasts, BITE them. otherwise, move along. And he's still..pussy-shy, for lack of a better phrase. IT WONT FUCKING BITE DAMNIT! grr. which is why, when kyle asked my to go "to the movies" with him the other night, i was really considering. Kyle is very much about making the chick happy, because he gets off on that. David is..almost all about him. When it comes to fooling around i mean. i love the kid absolutely to death, which is why i couldnt fool around behind his back. to me, physical stuff means nothing, its always been like..you get it where you can get it, but i cheated on him once, for about 10 minutes, and then never wanted to do it again. Kissing erin doesnt count as cheating. i dont care how anal he is about lesbianism. if i'm gonna kiss my girlfriends, then i will. lol. if she wants to stick her tongue in my mouth, she can. kissing is very personal to me. Its like from pretty woman. lol. she wont kiss a guy she isnt in love with. but for me, women are completely different. When hillary wanted (and hopefully still wants) to fool around with me, i was all game, because not only do i want to try it with a chick, GIRLS KNOW WHAT GIRLS LIKE! it just kinda happens that way! well, i'm out. leave me love
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