1. If you had to characterize your character as an animal, what animal would you choose?
He'd be a dog, no question about it. Specifically, probably an
Australian Kelpie (D'AW) -- he's steady-tempered, courageous and thrives on activity, but will default to the caretaker position and try to herd/direct those in his care if given half the chance.
2. If your character were to characterize himself as an animal, what animal would he choose?
The same, most likely.
3. Is your character a follower, a rebel or a leader?
He's equal parts follower and leader, as all really effective leaders have to be followers first and learn to take orders before they can give 'em. He needs pecking order. He's at his best under someone else's command, but in a leadership position: he would probably not know what the hell to do were he the big boss of everything. He also doesn't have a real rebellious bone in his body; he values co-operation, compromise, and sticking to the effing plan.
4. Your character wakes up in his home and smells smoke. What does he do?
Cough, curse, let his dog out who is probably scratching at the door, then magically extinguish the fire from the outside. Go in air and it out/look for damage when it's safe.
5. What's the strangest thing your character ever did?
I'd say his penchant for scavenging peoples' clothes takes the cake. I really can't think of anything.
6. What social niche did your character fill as a child--bully, nerd, cool kid, something else?
He was the quintessential big, dim, kind of goofy but good-natured and athletic kid. He probably got teased a lot for being awkward, so much so that he went to pains to cover up his natural shyness with acting like a hardass.
7. What's the luckiest thing that ever happened to your character?
I'd say Balthier, Vaan and Fran showing up to release him from the Jaws of Certain Death.
8. What's the worst stroke of fortune your character ever had?
Have you played FFXII? That whole game, sans ending. His homeland was leveled with a Nethicite bomb, he became a high-ranking official somewhere else, his twin brother comes along and randomly frames him for the murder of that king, he gets locked up and tortured for two years while everybody above-ground spits on his name as a traitor, THEN he gets to run around and watch after a bunch of teenagers fresh out of prison, one of which consistently tries to punch him for "killing" his brother, the other which consistently slaps the taste out of his mouth for "killing" her father.
Canon reaction: ._.
9. If your character had nearly unlimited wealth, what would he spend it on?
He'd round up an adventuring party and scout around Landis' ruins, find artifacts and art, then set up a museum of the culture in Archades and a proper tomb outside the island's limits. Anything to make sure it wasn't completely forgotten.
10. Who's the craziest person your character has ever known, and what was their relationship like?
Crazy like a fox? Balthier, hands down. Basch and Balthier enjoy a jocular kind of nudging relationship which plays on the fact they both recognize they come from complete opposite ends of the "man" spectrum -- Basch is grizzled and loyal and kind of dumb, Balthier is the slick ladies' man with a CHA of 19 and he could talk his way out of being executed, but they both have common ground in their adventures. Mostly, he's constantly surprised by Balthier's gall and willingness to take risks... which always works to his advantage.
11. How does your character make a living and why did he choose that route?
Knight/soldier/guardian, his parents enlisted he (and his brother) because they were poor as fuck and too old to work.
12. If your character had a theme song, what would it be? (You can either pick a real song or make one up.)
Dude, anything somber/dramatic... maybe something by Queen. Who Wants to Live Forever or The Show Must Go On, I guess.
13. If someone wrote love poetry to or about your character, how would it read? (Either describe or--go ahead--give it a shot and write some poetry. It doesn't have to be good.)
LOL, no. I hate poetry (oh noetry). He would, however, be extremely touched, even if he didn't reciprocate the feelings or it wasn't particularly good. He's sentimental and traditionalist like that.
14. How would your character court the person of his dreams?
Um, probably nothing fancy or excessive. He'd make a strong effort to do things for them that he knows they'd appreciate, but there would be zero beating around the bush or head games or manipulation/making things out to be more than they were. His approach probably would be "uninvolved" and underwhelming to a lot of women; completely open from the outset, no secrets, but he's so dependable and honest and stalwart it's easy to leave him for something shinier. No mystery. He's the kind of guy that lets you know exactly what's going on, exactly how he feels, and if you don't like it... well, ._. he tried. But here you go, it's on his sleeve, do what you will ma'am.
15. How does your character prefer to solve minor arguments with others?
By talking (eventual and imminently reasonable and diplomatic) sense, eventually. If he argues with someone else, it doesn't really involve fighting, it involves him being stubborn and ">:/" until his anger subsides. You really know he's mad when he doesn't talk to you at all.
16. What is the worst tragedy your character has ever personally witnessed?
Name it, jeez.
17. If your character were a writer, what type of material would he write?
Non-fiction war memoirs.
18. How healthy is your character?
Very, though age is starting to slowly chip away at his ability to "bounce back".
19. How does your character feel about doctors?
Ambivalent-to-positive. They fix him up when he's leaking, they're good by him.
20. If your character could be someone else, who would he want to be?
Basch really probably doesn't think about it. He'd never want to be anybody else, I don't think: a way of shirking the responsibilities you've been given, even in fantasy, etc.
21. Does your character want power or authority of any kind?
He doesn't necessarily seek it out, but he naturally comes into it. He'll take it, thx!
22. Describe the nature and intensity of your character's religious feelings.
Ivalice works on a polytheistic system of religion, I'd assume, since people often talk about "fates" and "Gods" and whathaveyou. I'd actually posit that Basch is a pretty religious or at least spiritual guy, though he and any God of mercy haven't been on speaking terms for a long time. It all comes back to his tendency to want to attribute his victories to, and be a part of, something bigger than himself.
23. Pick three adjectives that best describe your character's inner nature.
1. Loyal
2. Peaceful
3. Pragmatic
24. Pick three adjectives that best describe your character's outer manner.
1. Serious
2. Protective
3. Courteous/Polite
25. What is your character's view on basic human nature?
That might be too big, broad of a question for him to answer effectively. I suppose he sees it as changeable, largely depending on the person. Take it on a case-by-case basis instead of assigning everyone a quality that may or may not be accurate.
26. How does your character view animals--as pests, pets, workers or dangers? Are pets viewed more as family or as second-class citizens? How far would he go to protect or take care of an animal?
Basch likes animals as long as they're not vicious, but they're ultimately "just animals" to him. He has a dog, cats seem to like him and doesn't go around kicking puppies or anything, but he's not going to be running a shelter any time soon. He can respect the larger ones like falcons and lions as equals if he has to, but that's more because of the symbolism than anything.
27. How generous is your character toward strangers?
- With his time? If he has the time, or if what they need him for is of greater importance over what he had planned, he will give it.
- His money? He'll give out some money to homeless people if they ask him, but it'd be a lie to say he wasn't chagrined about it. I'll help, but damn, why don't you help yourself? Pity, maybe.
- His aid in times of crisis? He's there, Big Damn Heroing like he is wont.
- His attitudes? Not really. He's kind of tight-lipped and more taciturn than usual with people he doesn't know.
- His emotional support? He'll serve as a sounding board if he has the chance and the perceived problem is large enough, but he's of the emotional support of "let the person talk to themselves enough to talk their problem through". He rarely has to give input, just gentle direction.
28. How easily does your character relate to others?
Unless they're in an explicitly similar situation, he doesn't try; he just offers sympathy and a listening ear.
29. Does your character prefer adventure or security?
Security, though he's come to accept that his life will always be one adventure or another. His sense of duty would never let him, but if he was suddenly cut loose, he would probably nest like there's no tomorrow and just be peaceful and stable by himself. That would make him happy.
30. Is your character a dreamer, or are his feet firmly planted on the ground?
Feet -> ground. He doesn't dream, he makes goals and tries to bring them to fruition through hard work instead of fantasizing about it.
31. What was the last medical problem your character had?
Severe fever-infection in the
untreated laceration over his right eye made by Gabranth's sword when he was taken hostage. He probably had to expend the all of his energy healing it magically while he was chained up before it ate his eye out of his head -- there's gotta be a reason it's so huge when it was made from one swipe. The end of the scar on his ear probably didn't become infected, but his earlobe barely hung on there.