(no subject)

Feb 17, 2005 20:32

just got home from school, and food shopping kind of with my mom.

i keep thinking about him, its like i cant stop. i just wonder what he really thinks you know, i just wish he could be here right now i want him to hold me. i hate being alone, i mean yea my mom and stuff is here but i mean lonely as in not him being here with me. i havent talked to him in a couple days, and i dont know why he hasnt called. i was going to call him earlier and i should of to hear his voice, but i dont know why i didnt. i miss him..with all my heart. i just really hope that he feels the same way. it really sucks big time that hes so far away and it makes me sad. but what can i do about it.

earlier my mom was telling me that we are going to move, sometime, because she cant pay for the house anymore..i use to be really upset when she told me that but i cant do anything about it, i love my house and id do anything to stay here, but if my mom leaves id have no where to go because i wouldnt want to stay with her and my sister because ariel is PSYCHOTIC. she needs to go away, to a discipline school or something..crazy shit

i just seen jim and barry, with some chicka who i think was brianna, unfortunatley beacuse i hated that girl, she was a fucking skeleton..eww, but whatevers clever for jim huh..i really could care less who he dates as long as hes happy ya know.

i got my lip done on tuesday, and its grand, it looks sexiness and people keep asking me if it hurt, but it didnt as mch as i thought it would..so thats good.

time to go..i hope he comes online soon..id really like to talk to him
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