stolen..from..yes..they know

Jun 10, 2005 00:21

Name: liz
Birthyear: 1987
Birthplace: norwood hospital
Current Location: walpole
Eye Color: bluish grey
Hair Color: black/brown/red
Righty or Lefty: righty
Zodiac Sign: gemini. yes two at once.

:: Series 2 - Favorites ::

Music: Anything that i can feel.
Cartoon: Family guy. Aqua Teen.
Color: Purple or black
Slushy flavour: coke
Magazine: revolver
TV show: insomniac. law and order.
Song at the moment: nope
Language: i always hated trying to learn a foreign laungage
Subject in school: history or english
Weekend activity: smoking weed. drinking beer. what else
Ice cream flavour: cookie dough
Roller coaster: i have never attended one

:: Series 3 - What Is ::

Your most overused phrase on chat: dude
The last thought you go to sleep with: i dont remember
The first features you notice in the opposite sex: eyes, for some reason..weird huh
The best name for a butler: Jehovah
The wussiest sport: i dont enjoy them at all.
Your best feature:..people usually tell me my eyes
Your bedtime: whenever
Your greatest fear: tornados. bugs.
Your favorite memory: my mum <3

:: Series 4 - You Prefer ::

Pepsi or Coke: COKE
McDonald's or Burger King: Mc shits
Single or group dates: dont enjoy either
Adidas or Nike: Vans
Chicken nuggets or chicken fingers: who the fuck cares
Dogs or cats: both
Favorite old school cartoon: beavis and butthead or ren and stimpy
Single or taken: single shithead
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: i dont know the difference
One pillow or two: depends
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Hot chocolate or hot cocoa:..what the hell is the different
Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee
Boxers or briefs: Boxers

:: Series 5 - Do You ::

Do you think you've been in love: yes, when i was younger, now that i look back i know that i wasnt
Want to go to college: eh, depends
Like high school: yea, i miss it now that its gone
Want to get married: maybe someday
Type with your fingers on the right sure..
Believe in yourself: yes
Have any tattoos/where: not yet
Have any piercings/where: yes. lip.
Get motion sickness: no
Think you're a health freak: no
Get along with your parents: yes
Like thunderstorms: sure, if your able to see the lightning hit something, especially water, that is the best thing.

:: Series 6 - The Future ::

Age you hope to be married: fuck if i know
Number and names of children: OH MAN, if i had a kid it would be ONE, but im kind of thinking about child birth and its not a good thought.
Where do you see yourself in five years: drunk, stoned sitting on a couch struggling to write a book and have it published
Describe your dream wedding: black dress, beach, marijuana, alcohol, metal. what else
How do you want to die: i wouldnt want to die
What do you want to be when you grow up: i dont want to grow up
What country would you most like to visit: the netherlands, iceland, norway..etc

:: Series 7 - Opposite Sex ::

Best eye colour: blue
Best hair colour: black
Short or long hair: doesnt matter
Best height: same as me or taller
Best weight: doesnt matter
Best articles of clothing: sweatshirts and baggy jeans
Best first date location: dates..AHAH
Best first kiss location: uh. who cares
What facial feature do you find the most attractive: eyes

:: Series 8 - Other ::

When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal: the other..night
How many rings until you answer the phone: whenever i get to the phone
What's on your mouse pad: a kitten
How many houses have you lived in: 3
How many schools have you gone to: counting all the schools..probably 7
What color is your bedroom carpet: beige. i hate that color
If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take one thing (not person): yes. a phone
What was the best time of your life so far: my mom letting me drive all over the cape while she showed me rad places to go.

:: Past ::

First grade teacher's name: Mrs Relish i think
Last word you said: i dont remember
Last song you sang: cemetary gates

:: Present ::

What's in your cd player: i think..jimmi hendrix.?
What color socks are you wearing: none
What's under your bed: nothing at all
What time did you wake up at today: 10 i think

:: Now ::

Current mood: bored, tired
Current music: nothing
Current taste: my mouth
Current hair: up. clorined
Current clothes: some pink/purple shirt. mens pajama pants. go walmart for that shit
Current annoyance: cramps
Current smell: my room
Current longing: to be smoking
Current desktop picture: some weird design
Current favorite artist: mom
Current fingernail color: purple
Current crush: reminds me of like 2nd grade
Current hate: how my family works
Current favorite article of clothing: green plaid pants
Last CD that you bought: i dont buy cds
Favorite place to be: the beach
Time you wake up in the morning: 10 - 11 AM
Do you believe in an afterlife: eh, depends
How tall are you: 5.7
Current favorite word:
Favorite book(s): Naked. Method and Madness of Monsters.
Favorite season: Fall
Listening to: nothing
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