Jan 24, 2005 16:51
This is my first livejournal thingy so yeah. My friends were doin it so i figured what the heck something else for tad to make fun of me for how fun. So yeah i'm going to try to keep this up but it'll probably last for a week or so. ummmmmm i don't know what to say so here's a little about me...
Spell your first name backwards - etak
The story behind your lj user name - just look up what a Keres is
Are you a homosexual - no
Where do you live - i sleep at my house but i live at Jake's i would rather sleep there too because sleeping home alone sucks when you shouldn't be by yourself
Four words that sum you up - randy, lust, hopless, needy
WHO or WHAT (what/is/are) -
In my head - Why can't I get a guy who actually cares about me instead of drugs and alcohol
Wishing - i could actually get that guy
After this - sit in my room and listen to music mmmmmmm safty pin
Talking to - no one
Eating - mmmmmm safty pin
Person you wish you could see right now - weirdly Chase
Is next to you - riped out heart teddy bear keychain
Somthing you’re looking forward to in the upcomming month - Valentines day what can I say hopless romantic
Last thing you ate - cookie
Somthing you are deathly afraid of - being alone
Do you like candels - i like fire
Do you believe in love - yes
Do you believe in soul mates - don't know
Do you believe in love at first sight - maybe
Do you belive in heaven - no
Do you believe in forgiveness - I'm too forgiving
Who is your worst enemy - myself
If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be - dog always loyal
Ever been to Belgium - nope
Can you eat with chopsticks - yes
Whats somthing you wish people would understand - you have one life to live don't screw it up
Whats somthing you wish you could understand better - why do people say "I Love You" when they don't mean it.
Anyone you miss or haven’t seen in a long time - I miss my dad
Whats one thing you want to make happen for tomarrow - i want to get laid by someone who will care for and about me and not what drugs they're doing after sex
Current makeup - eyeliner and mascara
Current mood - randy and sad
Current music - MSI-Faggot
Current taste - blood
Current hair - mini-fro
Current annoyance - GUYS
Current smell - flippin smoke
Current thing i oughta be doing - feeding dogs
Current favorite artist - whatever
Current color of toenails - plain
Current crush - damn ummmm ok sadly Chase even though he's young he's hot and I still have a thing for Jake even though i'm just his sex toy. Oh and i still love ya Tad
Boyfriend/Girlfriend - I'm single
Longest relationship - 8 months 7 days
Shortest relationship - 23 hrs
Been in love with more than one person - yeah i guess
Sweetest thing a guy/girl has done for you - tried to save me from a heartbreak with Jake and actually cared about me
Meanest thing - I should kill myself because i'm worthless
Ever broke someones heart - doubt it
Someone brake your heart - hell yeah
You talked to - my mom
You hugged - Jake
You yelled at - mom
You had a crush on - see current crush
Food - Taco or a home-made hamburger
Drink - Cherry Coke
Color - Black and blood red
Shoes - leather boots
Candy - watermelon flavored jumbo push pop
TV show - C.S.I
Veggie - Mushroom
Fruit - taco
Understanding - yes
Open minded - yup
Arrogant - sometimes
Insecure - all the time
Interesting - not really
Friendly - to friends but i can be a real bitch to the ones i love the most
Moody - yeah
Childish - sometimes
Hard working - yeah when it's helping other people
Shy - like no other
Difficult - definatly
Bored easily - I can entertain myself mmmmm safty pin
Thirsty - kinda
Angry - at myself all the time
Sad - occationally
Happy - i can be easily
Sleepy - if everyone else is
Lonely - all the time
Kill - myself
Get really drunk with - Chase then i might have the guts to say something to him
Tickle - Chase
Talk to - Tad