(no subject)

Feb 17, 2004 20:37

From invertedcircle

1)Would you rather be a Japanese person forced to live in China,or a Chinese person
forced to live in Peckham?

A Chinese person forced to live in Peckham cause then I could run a Chinese and be a stripper.

2)If Muse and Marilyn manson (band,not person) were forced to merge,who would you have doing what parts in the band (i.e singing,guitar,bass,drums,etc)?

Matt Bellamy wouild be playing lead guitar (1) and singing with Manson also singing and stripping on occasion.
Dom would sit on Ginger Fish's shoulders and together they would be the uber-drummer hybrid with a double kit.
Chris would shake the maraccas when called for, otherwise he could just make babies like he always does.
Tim would be on bass where he belongs.
John 5 would be guitar (2) and still a slut.

They would be called Marilyn Museon. *boom boom*

3)If someone gave you unlimited wealth to never quid to never hear music again,would you agree?

No fucking way, mofo!

4)Am I a better singer/guitarist/bassist or drummer?

I would probably say singer considering you don't play any instruments but you looklike a cool bassist guy.

5)To be or not to be?(well that IS the question)

What light from yonder window breaks, I am the east and Juilet is the sun! To be! To be!
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