I Have to Wonder

Feb 12, 2014 15:38

I saw this on Anne Rice's FB and I just had to post it because I wonder myself.

I have been seriously thinking lately has the Twilight series and all the knock offs just done it in? I mean I like Being Human but that just isn't about a vampire. The other characters include a werewolf and a ghost and the relstionship of not only their group relationship but their individual lives as well. And let's face it there just isn't even good vamp fiction anymore it is all so dull and repetitive it makes one sad that originality has gone straight out the window. Then I think,has it, or is it just that I have stopped looking or trying on my part. Or , and,it says in the very last line of the article "vampires are boring." Boring?? Thanks S.M. Not only did you make vampires a sparkly joke you made them b.o.r.i.n.g

I have to say I roared an angry wtf roar when I read that last line but so much in that peice is true and what I have been thinking lately. Over saturated and ran through. I do agree the vamp genre usually does revive itself but will it happen in my lifetime?

I crave something new in this genre! God help me I am starving for it! But is there anyone who thinks,outside the box, anymore? Has there been too much "sex"driven into this genre that the "vampire" has just lost its bite and become more of a cuddly bedfellow? Sadly I even have to admit that it looks that way.

Posted via m.livejournal.com.

vampire genre dead

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