I just looked at my friend's page and nothing is posted. I looked and the last time I wrote an entry was a year ago. I ended up getting fired, well I technically asked if I could resign my position before they fired me. I don't really know if that was any better. Way to boost my confidence in my clinical skills. I felt and still have concerns about
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And now... I'm going to say something you really don't want to hear, I'm sure. But I'm the queen of that, and I hope you respect or understand what I'm going to say without being hurt or defensive... because I'm saying it because I love you, if I didn't I wouldn't give a crap...
If you stay with Zeus you are going to be a cliche evil step mother. Hes right. They aren't going away. They are his number one priority for the rest of his life, and as his mate, especially if this is expected to last, you need to share that priority with him. They can never come second, that's just parenthood. And if things get any more serious then you will be their parent too and that doesn't just go away. And I'm sure they can tell that their father is dating someone who doesn't really like them and wishes they would just go away. Do you remember being made to feel like that as a kid? it sucks, and to have to be around that all the time would suck even worse. And you will just get more bitter resentful and mean towards them as time goes on and possibly even abusive. You have to think about them first because do you really want to be their parent? Cause that will be your first priority. And raise a bratty teenager? Provide for them and their well being for the rest of their life? It would pretty much screw them up to have a mean step mom who is constantly competing for their father, which isn't the way it should be. By being with Zeus you are saying that you will look out for his kids because its a package deal and the kids are right on top. And to be honest it kind of sounds like you guys aren't even all that compatible. Not to say that you guys have to get along all the time, or that you have to be and think alike (zac and I are so opposite sometimes and fight like crazy, but God I love him and we do our best to work it out) But you're saying that even at this point he is driving you crazy and you're wishing you had something else... (continued--->)
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