Can you help me figure this out, please?

Mar 03, 2011 23:19

Hey, guys I have a question.  Have any of you heard of a community called _we_steal_icons?  I just heard of it today and the name bothered me.  I looked through the rules, but I couldn't find it (and anything that may have answered my question was too vague).  So I'm wondering this: do they actually steal icons?  I kind of sounded like a place where people could gather icons they like and share them without crediting the makers.  Maybe I'm just taking too much from the name, but it bothered me.  I'm not liking the sound of that.  I know, I know, I should ask the maintainer.  But as ashamed as I am to admit this, I was kind of scared to.  I mean, if they do steal icons then they're probably rude as hell, anyway.  I have to be an asshole to just blatantly refuse to credit someone (keyword: blatantly...someone who doesn't know they should can be forgiven as long as they do it when asked).  Right?  I certainly think so, and I think as an icon maker my opinion on this kind of matters.  What do you guys think?

Also, I'm sorry I haven't updated.  I have a set ready for tomorrow, though.  =)

Edit: I joined the community and my suspicions were right.  People are even posting shit like this:

Okay ya'll.   I just got bitched at in the ONTD community because I stole someone's icon.  LMFAO.

Really?  What as jackass.  Sorry, guys,but I don't think I'll be posting tomorrow.  I'm a little pissed off and I'm going to take the next day or so to seriously consider going back to friend's locking my posts.  I know I said I wouldn't, but I didn't realize that people were really that ignorant.  And if you don't understand why I'm mad, go through my FAQs and read the entries I posted on crediting.


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