We were going to let Haze deal with this post, too, but he kept saying nasty things about both Shasha and ‘Dina, and I don’t really like that. I mean, Shasha took us in and keeps us warm, safe and dressed, and ‘Dina… …’Dina is wonderful to me, even if he is an evil demon seraph and I’m supposed to hate him. It’s hard to hate someone like him. And who makes the best fudge and chocolate chip cookies in the world…
So I took over. Shasha distracted Haze with a movie. Something about gay Japanese zombies. Zombies scare me, so I’m just glad to miss out. The demons can keep the undead creepiness. I’ll just update the journal instead. And see if typing helps the cramp in my hands from those cuffs… …Eh, ignore that. *blushes deep red*
Shasha had us play switcheroo today. It was rather fun, though I felt like a child playing dress-up in an older sibling’s clothing. I think the feeling shows on my face. My eyelashes fell off, too. Sometimes being a doll is a pain. Shasha will get me new lashes tomorrow.
So here we have a pretty unique situation. I rarely wear dark colours. It doesn’t feel right to me, though maybe more right now than it used to. Still not me, though. I must say, though, that I feel very pretty in ‘Dina’s wig. If it was lighter purple or white, I’d love it.
Then there’s Haze. In my clothing. They fit him fine, since we’re the same size as dolls, but he feels as out of place in light colours as I do in dark. However, I think he looks really, really gorgeous in glasses. If only my glasses weren’t such bad ones. And of course, he can’t see a thing in them since my glasses are very strong to deal with my horrible sight.
Even more unusual, here’s ‘Dina wearing Haze’s clothing and wig. I don’t think ‘Dina has ever worn pants before, in over five thousand years. He looks quite hot, actually, though I think a black or white wig would be better than the red.
All lined up. ‘Dina is a lot taller than Haze when he’s in Haze’s boots and Haze is barefooted.
Haze does not approve.
Haze: …I hate you, you realise. And Sha too.
Then Sha put me back in my clothing, and left Haze all naked Yay!, and decided to take more pictures of ‘Dina in Haze’s pants.
Living with ‘Dina, I often forget that he’s male. Not that he acts particularly female, I just tend to think of him as just ‘Dina, not a man or a woman. Haze says that ‘Dina was born without gender, and that he only took male form quite recently. Of course, recently in demon terms is “anytime during the last five centuries”. These pictures, though, are a very good reminder that ‘Dina is male. And actually quite hot, as well, though don’t tell Haze that I said that.
Sha: Beware! 'Dina will eat your soul!
These prompted Shasha to make ‘Dina a very quick tight skirt and new top, to show off his hips and feet. He seems to like Haze’s boots. Maybe Sha should get him his own pair? I wouldn’t mind shoes or boots of my own, either, though I won’t hassle her.
Shasha mentioned once that if I wasn’t around, ‘Dina and Haze might have made a very visually stunning couple. She apologized profoundly afterwards, afraid she might have offended me with what was meant to be a random observation. She didn’t have to worry. I actually agree. They are a stunning pair of siblings. There was a time I felt a bit threatened by ‘Dina. Not because I thought he’d steal Haze away, but because I felt that since Haze was used to people as gorgeous as ‘Dina, he’d be bored with me soon. I don’t really feel that way anymore. Haze loves me, and I know it. Besides, I think he’s far too busy hating ‘Dina to even notice how gorgeous he is. Personally, I think ‘Dina is the most beautiful being I’ve ever seen, though Haze is hotter, and he’s a good cuddler. Which is always a nice thing. The world needs more cuddly demon seraphs.
As a bonus, here’s two random pictures from last week.
Haze: Ve~ery funny.
’Dina needs doll-sized books.