My First Piece Of Fiction In Almost A Year

Aug 11, 2004 16:46

For the past year or so, I haven't been able to complete a single piece of fiction I started. Last night, I was bitten by a plot bunny, and I actually banged out an entire drabble type thing in a few hours. And so, because I am so proud of it, I'm posting it everywhere, including here. And, I have to thank Terri, cause she was my main beta for this, even if she didn't know it. Harry would have been a brunette if she hadn't said anything. So, now onto my fic thing. . .

Title: The End Of A Long Day
Author: bloodstaindnght
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: Strong R, for the ending
Warnings: This fic is so fluffy it tickles.
Summary: Harry has had a long day at work, and Draco's there to calm him down.
Word Count: 1364
Disclaimer: It pains me to say it, but Harry and Draco are not mine. They belong to JKR, lucky woman that she is.

Edit: I am leaving this fic unlocked, because the wonderful emmagrant01 has decided to link it on her post-Hogwarts recs page.

Signing his name with a flourish, Harry put down his pen and surveyed his desk. He had finally managed to make a dent in the mountains of paperwork cluttering it. Working for the Ministry wasn't as exciting as he had always hoped it would be. In fact, it left him rather tired at the end of the day. But, he was lucky enough to have something worthy to come home to. A soft smile lighting his features, Harry wrapped his cloak about him, then Apparated home with a crack.

Opening his eyes, he looked around at the familiar comfort of his own front hall. His cloak was relegated to the coat rack, and after loosening his tie, he moved across the hall and into the living room. A few rays of sun were still coming through the large windows, giving everything a warm, sleepy tinge. However, the sole reason for the warm glow in his belly was seated in an armchair in the far corner, a large book in front of his face. This scene actually gave Harry pause. He had never expected to have this man in his life; it still amazed him when he came home every day to Draco's presence. Slipping his shoes off, he padded silently over to his lover.

Before he could reach the blonde, Draco lowered his book and stared at Harry with laughing gray eyes. "You're losing your touch," he teased. "I heard you moving around in the hall." Harry stuck his tongue out, and cuffed Draco gently upside the head. Putting his book down, Draco reached up and grasped Harry's work tie, pulling his smaller love down onto his lap. "How was work?" he asked.

Harry sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Long and boring. You have no idea how glad I am to be home." Dropping his head, he nuzzled his face against Draco's neck, curling around him as best he could in the small chair. Shifting to a better position, the blonde wrapped Harry in his arms, trailing soothing fingers slowly up and down his back.

"My day was long and boring without you," he said quietly.

"Well, I can imagine it was boring, what with you having nothing to do but sit around all day," Harry teased.

"I had plenty to do! I cleaned up your breakfast dishes, let your cat out into the backyard, and persuaded Hedwig to take your letter to Hermione." Harry chuckled softly against his lover's neck.

"Oh yes. That's such hard work, Draco."

Harry was feeling relaxed now, hours at the office slowly receding into nothing. He cuddled closer to his lover's body, tongue sneaking out to swipe across Draco's Adam's apple.

"Hey!" Draco cried, tugging at Harry's tie until the other man lifted his head, "I thought you were tired." Harry sat up on Draco's lap, wedging his knees between his lover's thighs and the chair's arms.

"Tired and horny," he said, grinning. The blonde rolled his eyes and smirked.

"So I'm just that amazing, huh?" he asked, leaning in to press his lips softly against Harry's. In reply, Harry licked at his lips, begging entrance. Smiling to himself, Draco gave in, letting Harry take control of his mouth. All too soon, the man on his lap was pulling away.

"Let's go upstairs," he whispered, kissing Draco's nose before standing. Looking up at Harry, Draco sighed, then complied.

Taking his lover's hand, Harry tugged Draco from the room, heading for the stairs. Once in their room, Harry moved to his dresser to take off his watch. Draco sidled up behind him, resting his chin on Harry's shoulder so that their eyes could meet in the mirror. Slowly, Draco's long fingers parted the buttons on his lover's dress shirt. Green eyes fixed on the moving fingers, Harry couldn't stop his shudder at seeing those pale digits on his more bronze colored skin.

Once the buttons had been undone, Draco stepped back to slide the shirt down Harry's arms. Pressing kisses to the shorter man's shoulder blades, Draco moved in close again. Transfixed, Harry watched as Draco's fingers slipped beneath the waistband of his trousers, teasing the soft skin there. The hand was withdrawn before it moved closer to where Harry was beginning to ache desperately. Those teasing fingers next moved to Harry's tie. Starting at the tip, which hung halfway down his torso, Draco slid his fingers slowly up the silky material. It was torture to feel that touch teasing over silk and skin.

Reaching the tie's knot, Draco slowly began to undo the material. Harry was shivering from the light touches to his skin. At last the tie hung loose. Picking up one end, the blonde dragged the tip across the width of Harry's torso, tickling at his navel. Harry arched into the touch, at the same time exposing his neck to Draco's attentions. The black haired man cried out softly as Draco's mouth teased along the sensitive curve between shoulder and neck. With a last teasing brush, the blonde tugged Harry's tie slowly off of him, dropping it onto his discarded shirt.

Turning Harry to face him, Draco pressed in close against his lover's body. As his lips sought Harry's, his hands slid down the warm skin of Harry's torso until they reached his belt buckle. Opening the buckle and zip, Draco slid his hand into Harry's boxers until his fingers encountered the man's hard shaft. Harry gasped into their kiss, making his lover smirk proudly. With a last kiss, the blonde released Harry's lips and dropped down to his knees.

Harry stared down the length of his body, watching eagerly as Draco eased his trousers and boxers down his legs. Obediently stepping out of them, he was rewarded with a kiss on each hip. Relaxing back against the dresser, he sighed as the blonde trailed kisses from his navel to his inner thighs.

"Please," Harry whispered, tangling his fingers in Draco's soft hair. With a last grin up at his partner, Draco lowered his lips over Harry's straining erection. Slowly he let his tongue trail up the underside of Harry's cock, reveling in the sounds issuing from the other man's mouth. Looking up, he noticed Harry's hands gripping the dresser edge so tight his knuckles were turning white. Knowing his love had had a long day, Draco set a pace that was sure to bring his lover off in only a few moments time. As his mouth bobbed along the upper half of Harry's shaft, his hand pumped close to the base. Squeezing gently with his hand, he sucked lightly at the head as Harry squirmed.

As he took all of Harry back into his mouth, the body under his hands began to tighten. Quickly he slipped a finger into his mouth along with Harry's cock. Withdrawing it after only a few seconds, he rubbed the digit maddeningly over the entrance to his lover's body. Immediately Harry arched up against him, a sharp cry leaving his mouth as he came. Draco pulled away slowly, cleaning his lover with his tongue as he went. When he finally let Harry slip from his mouth, the blonde stood up and gathered his love close. Panting, Harry raised his face for a kiss, eager to taste himself on Draco's lips. Shaking slightly from his release, he then buried his head in his lover's neck.

"Thank you," he whispered, "but what about you?" Slowly he reached for Draco's jeans. Draco caught his hands and moved them away.

"I'm fine, love. Besides, you're so tired you'd pass out long before I finished." Kissing Harry's forehead, he guided his sleepy lover to the bed. Pulling back the covers, he urged the other man to lie down. "I'll be there in a minute," he promised.

Back downstairs, Draco shut off his reading light and made sure the cat was inside for the night. Leaving a window open in case Hedwig returned, he headed back upstairs. Stripping down, he crawled under the covers and curled protectively around Harry. The smaller man immediately inched closer, wrapping his arms around Draco.

"Love you," Harry whispered.

"I love you, too, Harry," Draco answered, closing his eyes.

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