Jun 21, 2004 21:21
"now you're on the ground
selfless days are way too many
lay back, spread your legs, and don't make a sound
hiding bruises he brings you roses
says "i'm sorry" now it's okay
no hard feelings, no deep meanings
you were once special but just for a day
he hook and baits you to break you in two now
no one is saying that it'll be all right
promises when he says "i love you"
face first to the floor
now you just don't know to speak up!
because no one's listening
all those lonely nights you stayed up and cried
sick to your stomach with butterflies
when everything is wrong you just say...
"i'm doing fine." " ~At the drive-in
"Sometimes all I really want to feel is love
Sometimes I'm angry that I feel so angry
Sometimes my feelings get in the way
Of what I really feel I needed to say" ~modest mouse
"He Was a Manic Depressive" ~modest mouse