Sep 04, 2005 14:22
OMFG I LOVE POPTARTS!!!!!!!!!!! I am just now eating breakfast and it's about 2:22...MAKE A WISH!!! I didn't get home til 5AM and I didn't go to bed til 6AM. I really need to stop doin that cuz when I find another job it'll be a bitch tryin to get to sleep on time. I should've just slept over Ton's but I just wanted to be back in my bed cuz I would've stayed up all night smoking w/ Ton.
My jaw is in serious pain and I so need to see a doctor but I probably won't. My aunt thinks it might be TMJ or lock jaw or something b/c for years now when I open my mouth wide enough (you can stop your dirty thoughts now) my jaw clicks but it never hurt til about a week ago. Now it hurts to bite down on my left side :(
I'm having one of my 'talk to me and i'll bite ur head off' days! I don't kno why but I'm on edge, like at any moment, if you say the wrong thing, I feel very sorry for what I will say/do to you. I haven't had one of those days in a while so I guess that's a good thing. On the negative side, Friday night I had a relapse of sorts. Was not pretty to be in my bedroom w/ me...I didn't even want to see.
I hope everyone here is in better spirits than me today!