Not that you need to know...

Jul 25, 2005 10:34

You may not want to read what I'm about to write so this is your fair warning!!
So last night I watched Viva La Bam, I watch that show religiously. Gotta show my support for the peeps from PA. Anyways, I vomited in my mouth last night during the last part of the show. Where Dunn hired some lady to suck on Don Vito's nasty toe (the toe that's like infected and the nail is falling off) makes me gag just remembering it. He did that so he wouldn't have to french Raab. He had to either make Bam throw up or laugh. Let's just say you have to see it to believe it. Never once did I puke from watching any other show in my life. Now that's good entertainment right there!!

I'm so bouncy right now. Too much caffiene so early in the day is making me want to run around my block!! I'm so wired!! Oh yea, gotta remember that Tiff turns 21 this Wednesday so I gotta call her up and wish her a happy birthday. We might go drinking or something b/c at her party I had to leave early so I didn't get as wasted as I wanted.

took some quizzes to entertain my boring self but alas I'm still BORED!!

7 Types of Intelligence - Which is yours?

brought to you by Quizilla

You dont sleep. It's not because you love life too
much to lay your head down, it's because you
can't or just dont want to. Sleep? Who cares,
right? In fact, who really cares about
anything? You dont. Maybe you're mad at
someone for something they did, but its
probably more than just one person who has
pissed you off. People have probably told you
to get over your issues lots of times, but
thats just because most of them dont understand
how deep some scars can go.

How do you Sleep? (Anime Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Your wise quote is: "Reality bites with a
variety of sizes of teeth"(-Tony Follari)
As a person, you think life is just plain
painful, horrible and everything else you don't
like. Happy people confuse you. Alot. I mean,
why are they so happy anyway? You are depressed
and perhaps utterly alone and live life rather
montone. You feel there is no reason to really
be here and feel helpless.

What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED
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You need understanding.
In your life there has been many people that
could never seem too comprehend your
personality. Now you have either become an
out-cast because of their narrow minds or you
have adjusted yourself to them, and never
letting them see who you are deep inside. You
now think that no one will ever understand you
and you hate that fact. Though you are scared
of what the effects might be if you would
decide to let someone in so you keep a safe
distance that you both curse and bless.

What Do You Need in Your Life? [dark pics]
brought to you by Quizilla
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