Nov 26, 2005 00:05
I have 4 interviews Monday, and I will be going into them with one job offer already on the table, and a second one looking really close (they said they have to decide if its 3 or 6 months probation before they make an offer).
I will get to put on a suit and talk about me me me all day long, man I will have such a big ego by the end of the day. Then Tuesday I have to go back to work, I feel guilty to be deciding to strand my co-workers ... but I can't stand the owner/boss .. he is nuts and always interrupting the completion of his last great idea with the starting of his newest greatest idea ... and nothing gets done and everyone yells at us. Besides he has a 'build it and they will come' mentality, he bought a million and a half dollar printer and talked about how much business it will bring them. If I was running the company I would outsource it at better bulk rates then my customers could get and mark it up only a touch, and when I had enough work that bringing it house made money, then I'd do it.
In other news we are trying to buy a house, not only are we pre-qualified but we are also pre-approved for the loan. Also the loan we are getting is called a renovation loan; it assumes you are going to be fixing up the place, so if any thing is wrong they don't make you fix it before the loan will close. It makes it very easy on the seller because then nothing stops the process.
But when we put in this bid for this bank owned house... the listing agent (sellers agent), said no the contract isn't 'clean' the bank will never go for that, and you haven't put enough down on the house, and it needs to be a conventional loan not a construction loan.
I stared blankly thinking to myself... as long as you get your money... who the fuck cares what type of loan I have or how much money I have put down!!! It is none of your friggen business!!! Apparently she (the listing agent) doesn't want to sell to us because we are individuals and not like her usual customers; contractors and investors. My real estate agent (buyers agent), and the loan officer are both equally flabbergasted; they have never ever ever heard this kind of crap and wondering what kind of crazy she is.
Right now we are resubmitting only now my loan pre-approval letter contains nothing but what I can purchase after down payment, with no other details. And we are submitting it as if I got a new loan, but really it the same loan just a letter with no details about how I have arranged it. It just plain infuriates me that she is denying my bid on things that only affect me. If she had come back with 'No that bids to low' that would be expected, and everything would be sane.