Plot Bunny Free to a Good Home: The Shrink

Aug 13, 2015 09:58

   So I've been reading Lucius and the Shrink by notwolf over on FFnet.  Which is hilarious.  It's a Harry Potter fic, in which Lucious Malfoy has been sentenced, not to imprisonment in Azkaban, but to go see a psychiatrist for therapy.  There are no wizard psychiatrists, so he's stuck going to see a clueless Muggle shrink.  Then Snape gets involved, and... hilarity ensues.

Anyway,  then i was working on a scene in Green & Black with Walter, and talking about his therapist, after he'd been kidnapped and held prisoner for six months... and I had this crazy flash of an idea:

The Diary of a Starling City Shrink!

The uppercrust citizens of Starling really... really need a high-priced therapist!  Think about it!  Funny or serious, there could be entries for Malcolm Merlyn's grief counseling, Tommy's grief counseling... Tommy's therapist for his difficult teen years, Tommy's rehab  (Tommy is really messed up!).

Moira could see her shrink and pour out her frustrations with Robert's infidelity -- hey, maybe they could try couple's counseling!  If she could rope him into it.   Then Moira's grief and guilt when Robert dies.  Thea needs some serious therapy during that time, too.  Oliver and his PTSD when he comes back.  Walter after his kidnapping ordeal.

The possibilities are endless!

Oh, and then my Brain suggested that this shrink actually be Dr Lechter, who is compiling a dossier on all these people, for... well, his nefarious purposes...!

Actually, I think this idea might be a good prompt across any genre or fandom.  Instead of those character interviews, you could send your character to a psychiatrist!  Get them on the couch, get them to talk about their childhoods and their various hangups....  pure gold.  STEAL THIS IDEA AND RUN WITH IT!  Please!  ;)

plot bunny

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