ooc; Discedo CR meme.

Sep 15, 2010 02:54

Hello Discedians. 
So, I've been here over half a year now and so I think it is time too finally post a Character Relationships Meme. If I have forgotten anyone or you would like to be put on, please comment on the post. Down below is the key. Hope you all enjoy. This is my first attempt at this sort of thing...lets see how hard I fail.


✗ =  points. (the more you have the stronger the colored emotion is towards you.)
✗ = very close. strong feelings towards.
✗ =  friendly terms.
✗ = met once or twice but doesn't have exact opinions about yet.
✗ = extreme dislike...more then three of these.....and you're in a sticky spot.

Cast Mates:

✗✗✗✗ Ichimura Tetsunosuke (Tetsu-kun)
Tetsu is the only one he knows from his home work. Thus there is a great amount of trust and admiration present. However, from their time in Discedo, Souji has grown more protective over Tetsu, almost assuming Hijikata's role while still trying to be himself. He also finds that Tetsu's rash yet blunt actions help to keep him sane and happy around this place. They are also the actions that constantly remind him of who he is and where it is he comes from. Through Tetsu, Souji has met most of his new friends and it is also through Tetsu's constant willingness to stay by his side through everything, even watching him die, that keeps Souji really close to the puppy boy. Tetsu remains his number one priority in Discedo.

Disco - peeps:

✗✗✗Seguchi Tohma (Tohma-san)
Tohma was Souji's first friend in Discedo. Souji still doesn't understand tohmas admiration towards him, although he does understand Tohma seems to know more about his life and time period then perhaps even Souji himself knows. Soujis first impression was that Tohma greatly reminded him of Yamanami-san who is from his own world, and is the person he most greatly admires. He was also the person Souji was forced to become second in his act of Seppuku, and until this day blames himself eternally for Yamanamis death. Because Tohma reminds him so much of Yamanami, some of the emotions and reactions fed the same way, and when Tohma contracted his tuberculosis it was the final straw. After months of avoiding him however, he finally came to terms with the fact that Tohma was not Yamanami. Despite this, Souji admired Tohma greatly and would do anything for him. He also wants to stay by Tohma's side- a crush perhaps? It's unknown exactly, however Souji has made it clear that Tohma is perhaps his closest friend aside from Tetsu, and the only person he feels he can completely free himself too. Ryuichi and Kaname are close seconds.

✗✗Sakuma Ryuichi (Ryu-san)
His twin in spirit, the two seem to share extremely close personality traits. This is probably the reason Souji almost always instantly gets along with Ryuichi and almost always seems to understand him. Aside from that, there are many secrets that keep Souji completely curious about Ryuichi. Ryuichi's childish antics keep Souji sane and happy in discedo and he is almost always happy when around him. Souji views Ryuichi as his 'number one buddy' simple because they can play the same games and be childish without worrying about other peoples views of them. Souji nows that when things get serious however, Ryuichi does maintain the ability and maturity beyond his years to handle almost any situation. This is a side of Ryuichi which Souji greatly admires and even a little bit fears. Ryu can almost always see through Souji, however like wise, Souji can read Ryu very well. They have had serious conversations before and they have had their moments. Souji prizes Ryuichis companionship and misses him greatly when he is not around. That is probably why Souji can't make up his mind if he should move out or stay with Ryuichi. Needless to say, the two together...can be a handful.

✗✗Chidori Kaname (Kaname-san/ -chan)
A recent addition to the list of people he deeply cares for, Kaname is one of the few girls he has shown interest in beyond just the polite manners. It's probably because she reminds him of what Tetsu or Hijikata would be like as a girl. Because of her ability to speak her mind openly, Souji finds himself naturally drawn to her presence, and she is one of the few people able to keep him calm when he begins to let his temper get the best of him. Because she was there during the time he was struggling with his tuberculosis he trusts her greatly to hold his secrets and fears. The fact that she would stay by his side and keep him from being alone was also very touching. However, as many touching moment they might have together as friends, they also play on each other very well. Kaname is willing to drug him to keep him safe while he likewise, is willing to totter off without digression about her feelings. Although they seem like quite the odd pair of friends, they have a long way to go to see exactly how deep their relationship can get. It is a well known fact that Souji is extremely protective of her and also shows bits of jealousy when she finds interest in other men or she spends more time with other men he doesn't deem worthy. However, he doesn't let it show often as he is mostly just smiles and passive aggression when she is around.

✗✗Kitazawa Riku (Riku-chan)
Souji is well known for his love for children, but, Riku takes the cake. Although his parents probably dont know this, but Souji takes a great liking to hanging out with Riku and even more enjoys bringing him sweets. He views the child as very intelligent and absolutely adores his ability to stay happy through anything. Riku is sort of one of his secret little friends, and he would protect him with his life.

✗✗Fujisaki Suguru (Fujisaki-san)
This guy brings Souji so much enjoyment. Fujisaki's ability to fuss and worry just makes him so happy and he really can't explain it. He deeply enjoys Fujisaki's company and admires his courage. However there are times where he feels like teasing or poking at fujisakis patience. Fujisaki is also the one out of 'the group' in which he feels he can trust giving orders too. When things are in danger, he feels Fujisaki is also the one most capable of being relied on to pull out favors. For this Souji greatly respects him and continues to try and check up on him.

✗✗✗Sweden (Sweden-sempai/ san)
Souji has to admit, this guys accent is pretty funny. Sweden is the first country that Souji met, and although he still doesn't really understand it, he loves Swedens ability to get flustered. While they have a hard time understanding each other, Swenden is also a very refined and reliable person and because of his maturity, Souji is rather drawn to him. Souji enjoys his company very much and would do almost anything to try and keep Sweden from worrying too much. However, Souji sense something odd and different about this one which constantly keeps Souji curious. Souji will continue to try and tease it out of him...if anything just something about it would be nice. Souji also vaguely remembers the day that Sweden was there for him and although Sweden didn't exactly do what Souji wanted, he was there to help and that was what mattered.

✗✗✗Denmark (Denmark)
Denmark confuses him. Plain and simple. Although Denmark is straight forward and rather nice when it comes to hard situations, not to mention he is brave...his over-zellos personality kind of makes Souji more withdrawn. While Souji is amused by him and most of the time finds him funny and exciting, they have only met enough for Souji to get a little of an impression. So far he likes the country, however finds it hard to be on the watch with someone quite like him. Souji feels however it is just his own personality conflicting with the occasions in which they have met.

✗✗✗Seifer (Commander)
Souji follows his orders only because the past commander of the watch handed it down to him. There must have been some measure of trust there. However, Souji senses something manipulative and cold about it and he doesn't like it at all. Souji doesn't trust him or find him a genuinely good person despite Seifers actions being otherwise. Perhaps Souji is just paranoid from being a member of the shinsengumi? Whatever the case, he follows his orders for the sake of unity yet will endless scruple everything this person does. It doesn't help that he seems to be connected with Kaname is some way. Souji however always acts polite and curt with him, never once being rude or snide. It's a respectful hate, for while he doesn't trust him or like him....he would be damned if he underestimated him.

✗✗✗✗✗Japan (Japan-san/ Nippon-kun)
Perhaps it is what one might call country loyalty, but Souji just loves Japan. He constantly hangs on him and enjoys his presence when ever he is around. The fact they are on the watch together makes Souji even happier. There is great amounts of respect and admiration for Japan and the only way to really describe it is all the love Souji has for his country he invests in Japan....while still taking the time to tease him of course. Souji finds Japans cam and collected nature very likable and compatible with his own. Souji would spend more time around him if he could, for he is extremely curious as to what 'his country' hold behind closed doors.

✗✗✗✗Ryou Bakura (Bakura-san/ -kun)
Love. Souji would kidnap him if he could...he thinks Bakura is just adorable. However, he is weary for he definitely sense there is something dark to Bakura. However, he almost always wants nothing more then to tease and spend time with the lovable guy. He is also very grateful to Bakuras kindness towards him.

✗✗Chris Redfield (Sir?)
He's only met this guy a couple times and still doesn't seem to remember his name. However, he respects this person and admires their courage. He is also more then happy to find people like him on the watch.

✗✗Riful (Riful -chan)
To be put simply....love hate relationship. When she isn't eating him...they can speak politely and engage in interesting conversations. Meanwhile..he only trusts her to be deceitful. Regardless, he will play along with her games and speak with her...it doesn't mean he will trust her.

✗✗✗✗✗Jonathan Carnahan (watarimono-dono AKA wander/ funny guy with funny accent)
This guy always seems to be around when Souji is in need of a pal. Although he remembers him simply as the guy with the funny accent, he absolutely loves his company and praises his sense of humor. Watarimono is the word for wanderer which is what he calls him in place of forgetting his name. He also takes great interest in this persons line of work and the mysterious things he seems to encounter from day to day life. Souji cant help but absolutely revel the time he spends with him. It is interesting and Souji wouldn't give up their friendship for the world. They always have the most interesting discussions. Souji also highly trusts him and find that while they can talk about outlandish things, it is not uncommon for them to also indulge in sentiments and old stories.  Truely this is a person Souji is most fond of.

✗✗✗✗✗Ichihara Yuuko (Yuuko-san)
Drinking buddy! And an intelligent friend that Souji highly prizes. He believer her to be very wise, however...he admires her ability to drop all pretense and just have fun. It is this trait she harbors that keeps Souji entirely enamored by her. He enjoys her company greatly, admires and respects her, but most of all...wishes to one day beat her in a drinking game.

✗✗✗✗✗Tirr McDowell (Tir-san)
Where to begin? Souji views Tir as one of the few people who understands him. Although he knows Tir holds a lot of secrets, Souji has no interest to pry. Only to continue being his friend. The two's personalities are very compatible and Souji finds himself extremely curious about Tir as a whole. Also, when ever Souji is in a bind he can rely on Tir to spring him out. Tir is still considered one of his closest friends here in Discedo and although teasing him is all fun and stuff, Souji harbors a serious likeing and admiration towards him that cannot be easily broken. This is one person Souji would give his life to protect without a second thought, and although it seems Tir has a dark past, Souji sees him as one of the few genuinely good people.

✗✗✗Ace (Ace-san)
Only met a couple of times, but it is the one person Souji feels he can be a soldier around. A guy around. He enjoys his company and companionship in the watch very much and values his bravery and ability to stay laid back. Souji takes from him a similar sense of tragedy that he feels in himself...for like Ace being dead in his own world, Souji feels that he too will not be returning home when he leaves this place, but rather...be in a grave. Ace however keeps Souji from really allowing this fear to hinder him, and he remains the image of what Souji wishes he could be.

✗✗Huey Laforette (Huey-san)
And interesting person who has garnered Soujis interest. Other then that he knows almost nothing about him however considers them to be on friendly terms.

✗Ceberos(???) (Kero-chan)
Buddy! His favorite person to call when he has new sweets to try out. He is very curious about this creature and constantly wishes to know more about him. However he also enjoys teasing him and spending time together. He knows this plush is more then he seems...which of course only makes Souji more interested.

✗✗Cynthia (Cynthia-san)
A very nice girl who Souji enjoys talking too. He believes them to be on rather friendly terms and enjoys being her acquaintance.

✗✗✗Chen (Chen-chan)
Another of Soujis children collection. Not really, but she is definitely one of his little buddies that he feels he can rely on to keep him happy. He like wise is very very very protective of her and is willing to do anything to make sure she is safe and constantly kept happy. Souji is constantly working to try and make sure she is safe and secure, however tries to be a child with her and maintain their relationship as friends rather then be a guardian.

✗✗✗Patchouli Knowledge (Witch-san)
Witch san always appears at the strangest of times. However, her advise is wise and Souji respects her view on things whole heartily. Now if only he knew more about her.

✗✗✗Yuugi Moto (Yugi-san)
They only met a couple of times, but Souji finds Yuugi to be an adorable and incredibly nice person. He is curious about this person, for like Bakura he senses something else behind the innocent exterior. However, unlike Bakura he seems honorable and strong....Souji is always very curious about Yugi and secretly follows his movements while also working to learn more about him in a friendly way.

Saizo's CR

✗✗✗✗✗Afganis-tan (Pyiuuun)
Saizo loves you for being his friend and speaking his language.

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