Road Trip

Sep 12, 2005 11:26

Oh it is so good to be backing home you don't even know. A friend needed a ride to Indiana this past week so I said sure why not. lol first mistake was saying yes but all in all it landed up being a fun if freighting ride. to start with we landed up traveling through three states not including our own and seeing some of the most amazing art work and construction I have ever seen. I unfortunately have never travel north of Virginia been to North Carolina and South Carolina but never north now I know why. There was the town of Charleston West Virginia which had some of the most beautiful steel bridges I have ever seen and some architecture that amazed me. Unfortunately I was driving so had to miss a lot of shots but got a few that I will post soon. We hit Kentucky and landed up getting lost in LOUISVILLE the on ramp we need to take was blocked off and there was no detour signs to guide us to the correct ramp, once we got lost in down town. I want to go back there when I have time to get some photos of the cathedral we saw.
When we finally got back on the road and got to Indianapolis we got forced on to the wrong ramp and landed up going down into town there as well tried to get a pic of the sky line but were impossible to do at the high rate of speed we were going. Then we finally get to our destination and land up finding a cheap little motel and collapse from exhaustion. I will add more later on got to run to class
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