The old man sits here, alone, at the edge of the world. So much has happened. So much he should have done, even more that he should have stopped.
What is the cost of forgiveness? What is the price of a man's soul?
Who are we to judge?
The women in the coat sits beside him.
It's been so long.
So long since he has even seen a women, much less been with one. He feels her pull. He wants her more then anything he has ever wanted. Wants to feel her hair, to taste her skin.
Instead says the only thing that has any meaning to him anymore.
It's the only prayer that he has.
The women in the coat leans forward, her predetor's smile glinting in the falling sun.
" I could save your life tonite."
And we're back! The long awaited, much anticipated all new update from the one and only ME! I know you have been waiting with baited breath for this, and I hope to not dissapoint.
Oh what to tell what to tell? Our summer movie megalist thing is going by rather well actully. We are watching the movies, and most of them are quite good. The movies I picked were the ones that are most often remembered as iconic. Maybe they aren't the greatest rated films of all time, but they are the ones that are parodied the most. Or celebraties tell us to watch these movies. And we do.
So far we've gotten,
Blazing Saddles: Mel Brooks is a mad genius. Really funny stuff.
Unforgiven: Clint Eastwood has always been a personal hero of mine. He is the personification of badass. His squint is enough to make most men piss themselves. And in this he has constructed something very different from his regular stuff. You think of him as a gun toting man with no name. This movie is that, but with an entire different soul then those flicks. Violence is portrayed here as the acts of vicious men with nothing more to offer. It's not glamorized, if anything, it's something to be pitied.
Three Amigos: The first movie to really use the whole " They are actors but people think they're really heroes" stichk, it still remains hilarious despite showing it's age. It's a bit odd, since at first it's fairly serious then goes into complete randomness.
Red Dawn: Patrick Swayze as a badass fighting filthy commies. WOLVERINES!!!
Spartacus: Kirk Douglas fights Rome. Kind of long, but pretty good.
2001 Space Oddessy: The most disconcerning thing about this movie is the fact on how absolutly souless it is. The person with the most emotion is the damn AI. It's so steril and unfeeling.
A Very Long Engagement: Thank you Denis Leary. This was a cool movie. A women waits for her fiance to come back in WW I France. It was funny, surprisingly action filled, and even a little moving. And not a movie I would have watched on my own, so ++.
Say Anything: You know the whole I'm-standing-outside-your-window-with-a-boombox-playing-our-song thing? It's from this movie. For a teen ro/drama it was pretty good. John Cusak is a cool guy. And the dinner scene was worth the rental alone.
Top Gun: One of the quintessential '80s movies. Tom Cruise to make the girls go /swoon. Action to make the guys go "HELL YEAH" Goose to...NOOOOOO GOOOSEEEE!!!! And all before we found out that Cruise is a pyscho!
Quick and the Dead: I could have seen this on TV but I was afraid of the whirling batch of suck that is Sharon Stone. Yet Rami makes a decent flick with her in it. Good action, some cheesy special effects and comedy all in the old West. He made Stone tolerable!
The Godfather: C'mon. You know it. Take the gun leave the canoli, made him a offer he couldn't refuse, don't go against the family. One of the most lauded films of all time. It was good, but some parts felt a bit long for me. And the whole Sicily part felt off somehow.
" I'm losing myself Dave."
If the theme for last summer was huge events that wound up going way too last, this summers is finding free food all over the city. Every city picnic or special occasion, we are there. In ur base stealing ur doods. It's kind of weird and pathetic, but CORN FRITTERS!!!
In comic news, Star Wars Legacy is some pretty good stuff. 100 beyond everything so far written its an all new Sith Empire and and all New Jedi fight. Some really cool stuff.
DC's 52 continues to be awesome. It's a comic that comes out every week, so instead of waiting months for the next installment of a storyline, I can get it in a matter of weeks. And the story is cool. It tells what happen in between Infinite Crisis and the One Year Later jump that all the comics did, But theres also a bigger story here, something about time being broken, and 52 being important somehow.
Marvel's Civil War is picking up. Tony is a dick. I don't know how anyone can be on his side. Illegal actions, denyal of due process, and general asshattery. And S.H.I.E.L.D is being run by anti-Fury retards.
" Fly now."
I have seen X-3 and Superman Returns in theatres. SR was good, X-3 ...not so much.
Okay forget about not following the comic. Thats nitpicky, and if I follow those rules no movie would ever be good enough. But the movie cannot even follow basic principles. There is no resolution in the end, Magneto uses chess to justify stupid moves( why didn't he use the bridge to beat the complex straight to hell?) Jean is apperently evil because Wolverine won't bone her, Cyclops is killed for banging Lois Lane, characters are introduced then nothing is done with them, and the good guys seem to be fighting for the wrong things. Beast was cool though.
Superman Returns on the other hand was really good. It did run a little long, and didn't actully have Superman fighting anyone, but I can forgive them for that. Luthor was sutibally evil, Supes was heroic, and Cyclops was pretty cool dude. I eagerly await the sequel, now that they've redeemed the franchise they can focus on original stories and villian fights. I want to see Lex in a Powersuit. Anthony wants Doomsday, but I don't know. Doomsday wasn't so much a villian or a character as he was a marketing ploy. He had no motivation, no purpose, no dialogue. He was a mindless beast. I want Darkseid. He's like Luthor but on a bigger scale. Maybe Doomsday could be a mindless minion of Darkseid's, like he was in Superman/Batman: Supergirl Arc.
" They tried their best to get me. Now, my turn."
I need to start watching my TV on DVD's. Rescue Me, Gargoyles, and Beast Wars all await me. But I have no time. Alas!
" Everything he did was to"
Games I've been playing the Max Payne series. Those two games are awesome. It's really hard boiled noir stuff. And I like heros who talk entirely in metaphors.
And of course I'm rocking out on my DS. Metroid Prime Hunters and Mario Kart online brothahs!
"The flesh. The flesh of fallen angels."
Books: Mainly been reading comic book novels. I read one Hellboy book, "
On Earth as it is in Hell."really good stuff. It's not actiony but it has a whole of mythology of the old world and of Christanity.
" You were always there to catch me. But not this time. Sorry."
Thats pretty much it. Godfather II Airplane, and some others this week. And Pirates II on Friday. And away we go!
Current Music: Tonic The Way She Loves Me.
Current Mood: Achey
Currently Playing: Max Payne 2 The Fall of Max Payne(PS2) Metroid Prime Hunters (DS)
Currently Watching: Beast Wars Season 1
Currently Reading: New X-Men- Grant Morrison's run.