Array 012 [Voice/Video]

Jul 23, 2008 05:01

[There's a coughing noise, and then Al's smiling face comes up on the video feed. He looks a little dirty and there's a bandage wrapped around his head, but he seems more or less okay.]

Hey everyone, just checking in. I took a little tumble earlier, but no worries, Melissa helped me out. I'm fine, so don't worry.

I have some good news and some bad news.

The good news is that we managed to secure the south end buildings with limited casualties from collapse...

[Al pauses, looks away for a moment, gathering himself.]

... the bad news is, I'm temporarily out of commission for the time being. I took a whack to the head and Melissa and the others won't let me out of this tent until I can walk straight.

So not doing alchemy until I can see straight again.

Check in, guys?

And Edward... here are my coordinates. [x,y]

edward elric, took a tumble, al x head injuries = otp, ilu mao, doctor?, not doing alchemy, *aftermath

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