Array 113 [Voice/Filtered from Envy]

Oct 10, 2009 20:57

This message is very important.

I've made this announcement twice before this, but it's important that everyone have the information, including new people or those unconnected to me or my family.

There is a creature from our world, a homunculus or artifically created human, that can change shape. He's called Envy. He's just shown up here. [ Included Recording]

His favorite method of killing people is to take the shape of someone you love and trust, to make you let your guard down. He's strong, fast, and effectively immortal. Even in our world, if he's killed, he comes back.

He's sadistic and enjoys starting fights, torturing and killing people. He's hard to predict and very, very fickle in his moods. If at all possible don't face him. Do not give him any information that could be used against you if you can help it. Try to use filters on posts that contain personal information, like memories or secrets.

Right now, he's called a relative truce with me, so I won't do anything unless he tries to hurt someone first. It's entirely possible he won't hurt anybody at all -- he's that unpredictable -- but I want everyone to be aware of what he's capable of.

If he does hurt someone, please tell me or my brother. I'm tracking his activities. If you have any questions you're welcome to bring them to me.

[Filtered to people who know the location of Whipstaff]

I want to stress again that it's very, very important that we don't tell anyone where the house is. He's the main reason why I've asked you to keep it a secret. Thanks for keeping it so far, everyone.

[ooc; As of Envy's appearance on the network, all of Al's posts from there on are Voice by default.]

the bastard killed my brother, lol copypasta, taking charge, envy

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