Array 086 [Video]

Jun 02, 2009 14:08

[Alphonse is curled up by the hospital window, staring out it. Nearby him are papers spread out on a folding table, both typewritten and notes taken in his scribbling but neat handwriting. A chess set with a half-finished game is resting on the bed, where Al seems to have moved it to free up the table. A lunch is nearby, but it doesn't look like he's eaten much, if anything. Even the chair that Sasuke is normally sitting in is empty at the moment, so he has a rare moment alone.]

See if this...

[Al tugs up the window and thrusts his hand outside, opening his hand and blowing on a small object that the feed doesn't catch well. It merely glints in the sunlight. As Al watches it go, his breathing quickens and becomes labored, until he winces and covers his eyes.

There's a tiny spark of something blue outside, and then nothing.

Al calms down and glances back towards the papers and the notes, and his expression is hard to read for several moments before he stretches out a bare foot, gritting his teeth, and tips the table over.

The papers scatter across the floor as the table clatters to the hospital floor, and Al makes no move to pick them up.]

uchiha sasuke, what am i going to do, ladybugs, salute to the lost, moment of weakness, al does not love himself right now

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