[Al's voice is quiet, subdued, and vaguely in awe.]
Edward... I've found him. I've found my brother, and...
[There's a soft hiccup.]
He's okay. He's not dead. I saw him die. I'm so glad he's okay, it worked... he's okay.
What I don't know is why I'm still alive. Maybe it was some sort of byproduct of using the Philosopher's Stone formed in the armor. I watched my brother die, though. I just stopped thinking everything blurred together and all i could think about was that brother was dead and i couldnt let him die and i used the stone
I was in the Gate. I remember that. I remember going to the Gate, and while in there, it was like I had my body back. Or maybe it was just a physical manifestation of my soul, I don't remember. I went to my brother... and I used the Stone to bring him back.
I wasn't sure if it would work. Bringing a human being back to life, it's never been done before. I knew that if it didn't work the Gate would take the rest of me, and I'd die.
So I performed the transmutation. That's the last thing I remember.
I don't know why I'm back in my original body. Maybe coming here is the Equivalent Exchange for that. Maybe the world-compression pulled me here, and in pulling me through the Gate, forced my soul back into its proper place. I don't know the rules of science here, I don't know how everything works. That's all I can come up with. Maybe I can work on a better theory with more time. Maybe I'll never know.
I don't know how I'm going to tell Edward what I did. To be honest I'm terrified of his reaction, but I know I'll have to tell him eventually. I've already let some things slip.
Goodness knows I can't lie to him. I couldn't in the armor, and that was when I didn't have facial expressions.
((ooc: Al's trying to organize his thoughts more than anything here. All typos are intentional.))