i fell in love this one time...

Oct 13, 2008 00:55

so you called me and told me Amanda was having a party and you wanted someone to go with. I of course abliged because you and I are friends and thats what friends are for. I drive to your house where i wait for you to get ready (you throw on your camo shorts and a plain black tshirt with a rip on the right sleeve which i've noticed over the past few months has continuously increased my sexual need to rip your shirt off, but i've held back cus we're friends) so you grab two red bulls, one for me the other for you. you hold open the door for me when we are heading out of your house not because you need to lock up just because its polite and thats what friends do. i wear my orange tank top which if you look closely you can see a black lace bra strap peak threw my shoulder. and if you asked i'd tell you about the matching panties underneath. but you dont cus we're friends. i usually dont enjoy stubble on a man but you always seem to pull it off and tonight is not exception. after toasting to the night you chug your red bull and i slowly sip on mine, its funny cus i seem to rush everything else but all you rush is the caffeine you drink. ironic i suppose-according to alanis. it takes us exactly 3 songs to get to her house. i love the smell of your car, its smells like coconut. and you smell like georgio armani. the two compete for each inhale i take. i like them both. just as chris hits the climax of "just breathe" we arrive at amanda's but you know i love this song so you dont shut the car off right away, instead you tell me "if you want to leave just let me know" i quietly and slowly say "o kay" after leaning in for a quick neck peck. i cant help it when you do things like that even if we are friends. you smile. i melt. you get out of the jeep. i follow your lead. amanda's is a 5 bedroom ranch off of cottageway which is gorgeous and full of trees i use to dream about growing up. long dropping branches and trunks which almost have imprinted footsteps for kids to climb on. theres a few kids out front smoking cigarettes. i dont recognize any of them, you seem to know them. a quick "hey" is shared and we move to the back patio where 6 or 7 people are in the pool, amanda included. amanda tell us where the booze is so we head over to the foldout table full of keystone light and jello shots. we both look at each other and laugh cus jell-o is gross. so keystone it is we say simataneously.
after a few beers some of the kids want to walk to the park and the lake. we are bored with keystone so decided to do the same. i have my hand around your arm and we both are sorta shivering so i have even more reason to get close. shortly the benches and picnic tables appear and you and i decided to sit and watch them almost drown. we laugh and talk about how much we've missed each other wherever the each of has been. i tell him about my aunt having the baby. he tells me about a girl he didnt commit to. i tell him that kevin didnt visit. he updates me on his family.
after that we walk back this time i hold his hand as we are laughing. except i dont let go when we stop talking. i cant... i missed him too much.
when we get back the table now has a massive bottle of absolute on it. we take two more shots. it hits me. i guess i should of ate more at supper. after the shots we find a single lawn chair to relax on after the long walk. we both bust out laughing when the back of the chair collapse backwards and we both lay there heads to the sky. he pinches my sides and i laugh and slowly begin to get up. he follows my lead. once up he puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me towards his chest. theres georgio again. gah. i cant help but go for it. risk it all. once released i act annoyed but im actually loving it. i do it. i turn around so i can see his eyes.
"i like you"
there i said it. now i wait. say anything i think. actually thats a lie, dont break my heart please. i wonder for those 3 seconds until he touches my thigh and squeezes it. he smiles again.
then it hits me, surprise. blind sided by his ability to amaze me, he kisses my neck. and then my ears. he is not himself it seems usually so shy about this sort of stuff but tonight he's not my friend he's my man. tonight.
then i do what i do best, move fast. i cant help it i wont let it die down like so many other times. i kiss him back and i enjoy it, until i realize we're still on that lawn chair by the table. so i whisper "i want to go" he laughs and says "me too"
he still holds the door open.
this time he puts in jeff buckley to keep the mood alive.
after driving past my house we approach his house but i cant enter that room without kissing him first so as he jiggles his keys with nothing but the street light 50 feet away to guide him i turn him around. i lean myself against him i can see the wrinkles of his neck as we kiss. and the slight smile that pokes through... i slowly guide my fingers aroudn the edge of his camo shorts. he didnt wear a belt tonight, i suppose thats best. i begin to get excited and then remind myself, just a little slower. count to 30. i get to 4 until i loose interest and i take his keys from his hand and with ease I open the door. i'm ready. i'm always ready.

he follows my lead.
while keeping the door open for me as i enter.
the doors closes behind.

next time we meet.
you pick me up and i tell you to drive.
i have two things in my hand. keys and a flashlight.
i pull up and take the side door. doris is there and i tell her im john rodgers's niece.
she smiles and makes small talk, i look to the right and you smile back.
you are so cute it consumes me. i tell her im going to show you around a bit.
i walk you down the corridor and kiss the skin between your cheek bone and jaw line.
you do the same then hold my hand. i first take you to the area my uncle designed and then through the florida wetlands part. i shine the light on the baby alligators because they are my favorite. i point up to the blue heron ontop of the clubhouse. you ask to go up there. so we go of course.
the club house is usually for kids but tonight its us. we act like we're 13. making out until our flash light rolls across the bridge to the otherside. i get up and drag you with me. we follow the bridge to the other side then down the stairs to the tank which holds a piece of coral reef and dozens of fish that are more beautiful than the flowers you got me when i didnt feel well. or atleast almost as beautiful.

i sit down on the last row of benches and smile at Al who is one of the cleaners and tell him john is my uncle. he tells me about how much of a ladies man he use to be. i say "yes, so i've heard" you are still staring at the tank, especially at the eels which you find creepy but so amazing. sometimes when i look at you without you realizing i am overwhelmed with excitement that i even had a chance to kiss you. you then turn around and walk over to sit beside me. i get up and move a bench forward to meet you half way. we each have one leg on each side of the bench. i lean in first and you kindly kiss back. then you pull me closer to you by grabbing my ass and then slowly moving your hands to the back of my neck. you know i love when you run your hands through my hair. its the best feeling in the world, almost. second to when you kissed below my ears and told me to follow you. you slowly find the exit to outside. there is an enormous bar and an even bigger play area for the kids including a artifical wave. you walk inside it and flash the light in between my thighs. i laugh and call you an ass but only after i begin to walk towards you. you use the flashlight to eluminate your face with the flashlight making it impossible for me not to fall in love with your lips. even your chin looks sexy. you slowly make me shake and shiver even though its 80 degrees here in tampa.

after the last gasp, you say "so i'll pick you up same time tomorrow?"
i reply "same place, same time."
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