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cdsdame gave me: Art, Star Trek, writing, reading, and television
Art - You'd think this would be the easiest word to define for me, but it's actually the hardest. Once upon a time I made lots of art. Mostly watercolor and pen and ink. But sometime about three years ago, my creative juices stopped flowing. Completely. I've made a few fitful starts since then, trying to get my artistic side going again, but so far nothing too successful. This makes me sad in some ways - I still want to create things, but I just don't need to anymore. I miss having that drive.
Art is still important to me, however. I'm a very visual person and I like to keep what I consider beautiful imagery around me. Life would be dull without it. I love just about everything, from ancient Classical art to Impressionism to the many animated movies and shorts that I collect.
Star Trek - I've been a Trekkie since before I knew what a Trekkie is. I watched reruns of the original series with my mother when I was very young, about preschool age. The first movie I saw in a theater was The Voyage Home. When Next Gen came out, I watched that with my mom, too. I remember seeing Inner Light and being moved to tears. But original Trek is still my one true love, despite all it's flaws. The new movie that came out this summer was a huge deal for me.
At it's best, Star Trek reminds us of what we as a society could achieve and become if we work together to create something positive, and highlights the noblest aspects of humanity. At it's worst, it's just mindless, corny drivel. I love both extremes.
Writing - I'm a bit of a closet writer. Once in a blue moon, the urge will hit me, and I will spit out a page or two of poetry or short story. It's almost like inspiration for making art... sometimes the right pattern of words and sounds and meaning will come together in my mind and I have to express it before it disappears like vapor. I'm not terribly good at it, and I tend to hide the few bits I have jotted down, but the high it gives me is like finishing a really good painting.
Reading - Reading the written word, especially by someone who really knows how to manipulate it, is as sensually exciting as any other experience I've had. Lolita was difficult for me personally, but the gorgeous prose!! Elliott's "The Hollow Men" gives me chills, especially the last few stanzas. The various poems of John Donne simply amaze me. And Beagle's "The Last Unicorn", though it may sound cheesy, can still bring me to tears. I wish I could write something so beautiful.
Television - Uh... hmm, TV. Well, I love Star Trek and a couple of British comedies, and Food Network has an oddly soothing quality about it, but for the most part I don't care for TV much. I think the reason for this is that I grew up in a traditional, American, sitcom lovin' household... and most sitcoms to me are just vapid and unfunny, if not unintentionally offensive. Also, I just don't like hearing the endless prattle of a TV in the background like many people do. I'd much rather have music playing or even silence. Part of me acknowledges that there is good TV on the air, and I should get over myself and give it a chance... but that part hasn't won out yet. Maybe someday.
I think this post calls for a Star Trek re-edit.
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