I know it's probably still too fresh a wound to be picking at it again so soon but... I'm really super bored.
Revenge of the Sith review, yay!
Hey, don't leave! I'll keep it brief, okay? I even put it behind a cut to be nice.
•Obi-Wan finally has some personality.
•At last, an interesting villian (Grievous)
•Yoda kicks ass, dude!
•This may be the one and only time I find Ewan McGregor attractive.
•CGI overload. Is there anything real in this movie besides the actors?
•Then again, is Hayden Christensen real? Talk about fake...
•And does anyone really believe that guy could become Darth Vader? Really?
•Feeble storytelling at best. (To be fair, it's still immeasurably better than I or II. God those movies sucked.)
•Proves once and for all that Lucas can't write for shit.
The sad thing about the prequels is that they never should have existed. Taking all the mystery out of Star Wars' back story was risky enough, but the original trilogy was such a lumbering mammoth that any new films were bound to disappoint. The only viable reason for making them was to bring in more money. That's the story of Hollywood, of course... but that doesn't make it any less depressing.
Aside - when I play my ROTS dvd on my Mac, it pops up as CHARLOTTE_DISC1. What the hell?