Aug 09, 2006 05:03
"Dad could sell whores in a vagina storm"
Yes, nick simmons. You may be underage and rediculously tall (6'7), but your cunning wit and devilishly jewish good looks have not gone unnoticed by me.
Either way, he'll be legal soon. Who cares if he looks like he could be in The Colour (who look like the dreggs of jim morrison's 1960's closet)... I'm a sucker for a deep voice.
I feel displaced again. I think its somewhat self inflicted. I'm withdrawn, somewhat intentionally despite the fact I've once again alienated everyone.
That's what goes thru my head a lot right now.
I feel I am a liar. A terribl terrible liar.
Not that I'm bad at it, that is, but I'm a terrible person.
Its hard to do anything else.
Self expression is a slippery slope. I express what I want to internalize and I internalize everything I express.
I'm very 'the books of paul the apostle' with this shit. Thorn in the side and that shizzle.
I'm ready to go back to school.
I'm ready to move forward.
We're outa here in january.
Say your goodbyes soon.