Jul 26, 2006 21:18
okay, So i've noticed a trend.. In myself anyway.
everytime i think a guy online is cute, i find out he's trans. That is, he was a girl and is now a man, usually a rather attractive man.
Okay, so what i'm ocnfused here is.... Does this mean something different about MY sexuality?
I guess this depends on some of your gender ideas here. Because, I know this isn't going to sit well with some, but when i see a transman, no matter how attractive i find him (as a man, mind you), i think about the root of it all and realize that he is, "where it counts", still a woman. Don't worry, i feel appropriately ill-concieved in that notion and have chastised myself henceforth.
When it comes down to it, I am a gay man. I like other men. I find men attractive sexually, i find them attractive emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, physically, all of the above. Not that i don't occaisionally have the notion that a woman is attractive, believe me i do, but i don't find myself wanting to have sex with them.
When it comes to transmen, I feel conflicted, Because as MEN, i find them very attractive a lot of the time, but i can't help but be conflicted in this idea - because I'm still seeing them, at the root, being female. But i'm not. but i am. I'm confused here. I guess i'm not sure which gender is attracting me.
i guess what is attracting me in the most part is the overt masculinity involved in being a transman. Like a transwoman will take on specifically feminine manerisms, most transmen take on specifically male manerism - Walking like you've got a dick, Facial hair, shortly cropped hairdos, etc. So maybe what's really attracting me here is the overt masculinity. that makes a lot of sense really....
i guess anything else beyond the attraction is specific to the situation.
sorry for being somewhat unevolved for a few minutes.
it happens to the best of us.