Week of Hell

May 18, 2007 11:34

Well this week has sucked.

Ive had four exams this week so Ive been trapped in my room revising and trying ever so hard not to procrastinate,(NOT!). Some of the revision was mind numblingly dull it was unbelieveable, what the hell is the point of getting us to remember 80 names of bacteria and something 'unique' about them? There isn't and its impossible to do!

The unforunate consquence of being trapped in ones room is that your constantly in dangerous proximity to your flatmates, grrrrr!!!!

And if that wasn't enough, yesterday was the icing on the not-so-appealing-cake-that-has-been-attacked-by-badgers, as I had an ecology exam which didnt go well as most of it had never been mentioned in lectures at all! And then afterwards I recieved a text and couple of phonecalls that I really wish I hadn't recieved as they contained very bad news. In total this has put me in a very bad mood.

On the plus side my flatmates seem to be avoiding me more than usual, woooh!

Now I have to do a few tasks and find something to do with the rest of the day that will put me in a better mood. If anyone has any suggestions please say.


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