(no subject)

Feb 12, 2009 22:57

I came to the alarming conclusion today that I have no clue what I want to do with my life.

well, that's not quite right. I want to do too many things, is what my problem is. and I'm going to have to narrow it down to one or two. a professor from westconn came into my comm class today and basically scared the shit out of me about going into journalism by telling us there's no jobs in journalism and it's going to be really hard to get a job and you're basically going to be making shit money. and there's another problem. I want to make money. I don't want to sound materialistic... actually, I don't care. I want to make money, and lots of it, and I want to buy nice clothes and have a nice apartment and a nice car. so I could go into PR or advertising or something like that, but I'm not really interested in those things anymore. but I am at the same time. it's weird. and then I want to write, which I guess I could do on the side, but sometimes I think I'd rather just do that as a career. but it's unreliable, so that's why I want to be a journalist. and then, this is random, I want to teach autistic children because I find them so fascinating and helpless and I want to help them communicate and learn and stuff. and I also want to work in politics... that would honestly be ideal.

like, seriously. this is ridiculous. basically, my dream job would be either a political journalist or you know, white house communications director... haha, nice, available jobs, esp. the second one.

but I hate how people are just like, you don't have to know what you want to do, you're in college. isn't that the point of college? why would I waste my money if I don't know what I want to do? like honestly. I feel like I should take a year off. if I don't end up going to Emerson next year, or Suffolk or Emmanuel, I probably will. if I went to Emerson I would probably change my major to communication and minor in political science or writing. but of course, I stupidly applied for journalism. I probably won't even get in because of that and in the end I want to switch back to communications anyway.

can I just like, sit around and do nothing? I wish I could be a writer. I really do. so I could like work from my house and do something that I enjoy doing. but I'd be poor as dirt. ugh. fml!!!

guys love me way too much... not. honestly. I used to be able to flirt with guys and stuff. I don't know when I lost that ability, but it's obnoxious. at least I got to smoke with MD last night =) I see that going nowhere. can I like someone that likes me back please? my neck hurts. maybe I'm turning into a vampire. that would honestly solve all of my problems... as long as I was the twilight kind, not the dark shadows/dracula kind.

I can't wait to go home tomorrow.
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