(no subject)

Jun 06, 2008 00:26

I'm graduating tomorrow. of all the ridiculous statements in the world. I was reading old livejournal entries and it seems like I'm such a sad/angry person but I'm not at all, it's just that I used to vent on this all the time. I'm actually really happy and appreciate all the good things about my life. I'm excited to go to college, love my friends and am so lucky to have all that I do.

just to get a little venting out of the way, I'm going to "court" on June 19th for the stupid rink thing. ugh, I'm just so mad about this whole thing because I wasn't drinking and I was just about to leave. and then there's the fact that it was such a shitty night and I was so upset when I got there and then that had to happen. and I feel like a loser for crying but it was just the fact that I had been so angry and emotional before and then the fucking cop was outside with a flashlight and I was like what the hell is wrong with this night? but I heard they're just going to tell us how lucky we are  and make us clean the rink and pay for a door that we didn't even break. the irony of the whole situation is just so aggravating to me because we've never had any run-ins with the police before unlike half the people in our grade and our first time we have to go to fucking court. whatever. it'll all be over after that and there'll be nothing on our records, so I guess we really did get lucky.

anyways. graduation. wow. I've been waiting four years for this. prom was amazing, I had so much more fun than I'd expected to. I'm just glad that I think everyone had a good time, besides John but he didn't try very hard to. Mike was a really good date. =) senior year has been really good. there was a lot of drama, I guess, but there were a lot of fun times and hardly any boring nights, haha. I love my friends so much. I'm going to miss them all so much when we all go to college but I'm really excited to visit everyone at school. I just cannot believe that high school is over. I'm really happy I became friends with a lot of people this year. I'm excited for the all night party and graduation parties and everything. this summer better be amazing. I'm already getting sad thinking about leaving my friends. I've been friends with so many of them for like basically my entire school career and for some of them it feels like it's been that way. it's really hard to imagine my life without them.

I'm glad the confusion is somewhat over and that hopefully we'll just enjoy the summer and then go to college and stay really good friends. cause I'd hate it any other way.

so summer '08 is really beginning. I'm about to be a high school graduate. I really never thought about how it would feel, and it's weird, but I'm excited. I had a great high school experience, for the most part, and regret very little... most of that being fashion choices and not very important stuff.

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