I cut my hair. It's just above my shoulders. I'll put up a picture next week after I color it. I'll also try and remember the picture of my costume.
There really isn't much else going on. Just work, sleep, and more work. Yeah. That's about it. I've been trying to read the new Anita Blake book, but it really kind of sucks. It's repetitive as all hell. I hate the whole thing with Anita screwing everyone and having it have a big moral battle about it every. Damn. Time. I was reading this part tonight where she goes on for about half a page about how she's empty like a shell washed clean, or some crap like that, then suddenly she's "not empty, [she's] waiting." What the hell!?! This book is in serious need of a new editor. I'm not sure it had one.
So yeah, other than that...
frolic9 got our DVD player working! No more watching DVD's on our laptops. I plan to watch Super Size Me tonight, if I'm not dead tired by the time I get home.
Work has been boring as hell. I've started making a gum wrapper chain out of the scratch paper. Two of the leads have requested that I bring in my origami book. I said if I left it there for Zak, whoever came in to relieve him at 6 would find Noah's Ark waiting for them. And the dead season is just starting.
In other news, my icon space is about it run out...my paid account doesn't have too much longer either. So if anyone loves me and wants to get me something for Christmas....