Dec 06, 2004 20:09
Eh, don't mind me, i just watched Pirates of the Carribean twice in a row. i absolutely adore Johnny Depp! and yes, i have no life. i do believe this point has been proved over and over again.
What i don't get is why people beleive i care if they call me a Goth or a Punk or a Bitch or whatever stupid insult they can come up with. Maybe it's just me, but i find i couldn't care less. Maybe i'm just too apathetic. i don't really seem to care about much really. it's pretty hard to offend me. Unless you're homophobic. I know several people who are Gay, so please don't insult them around me. they really aren't that different from you and me. they just like the same sex.
wow, since when did this turn into a lecture? oh well.
i feel like crap. i couldn't sleep last night, so finally i crawled out of my warm bed and stumbled through the dark searching for the NyQuil. by the way, the temperature was below zero last night. right now it is somewhere in the teens. cold.
i'm hoping to update the Damed and the Lonely sometime this week. i just need to find a good way to end the chapter and Reply to my reviewers. And by the way Cherry, if you're reading this, the thing you kept begging for me to write happens in this chapter. But you'll just have to wait for the update :) yes, i know i'm evil