Jun 23, 2010 00:01
- 09:38 1977 versions of modern gadgets bit.ly/cvetXK #
- 10:06 Does loading #iOS on my Cisco Router enable touchscreen over telnet? #
- 10:47 @ gnat hmm, resort to MLA or APA notation. "Exact quotations from sources without page numbers" bit.ly/b7lvpH para.14 #
- 10:48 @ gnat personally I'd like to see the return of § and ¶ #
- 11:23 @ talkingtothecan @gnat ya, could also be Section 14 para. 1 if you count H2 titles as sections. OTOH APA & MAL have para counting rules #
- 11:24 @ talkingtothecan @gnat and MAL and APA really only work properly on documents formatted in MAL or APA :P #
- 11:56 Vortex Cannon bit.ly/aJau60 #
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