Oct 10, 2020 15:22
I have so much to do. :(
Everyone found out I was bi.
Mike hates me now.
I don't know if I'll ever date Justin.
I lied to a billion people in the last week.
I need to peeeee.
My syndrome got lost in my mind and I found it again.
Forks are cool.
I got new shoes!! [Highlight]
And that's about it.
Oh, and no one ever reads my journal anymore... :( 'Cept faggots that like to stalk and hurt me.
Nathaniel never e-mails me anymore.
I want to cut, but I can't do it.
I smoked again.
I didn't stop, did I?
I carry myself like I'm happy, but I'm really torn up inside.
Collaboration Day is tomorrow and it's gonna suck... Once again.
I need someone to lean on.
Kinky Karly x.x