Jul 21, 2005 20:45
okay, i know, i gotta stop being so sappy. so ill try not to and do a recap of my day yesterday.
me and my ben went to chicago and did nothing. i liked it. it was so completely random, and is exactly why i love the kid. (thats not sappy). anyways, then we watched tv and stuff and i dunno, it just kicked tits. like, when something so much cooler than kicking ass, thats when it kicks tits. and now modest mouse is making me feel really white trash. speaking of which, i miss al. that bitch is in california. i miss tasha too, who is in door county. seems like i have no friends anymore. which i probibly didnt have to begin with. im fine with that, ive never been really close with people. and frankly, a lot of people i used to talk to i really dont give a damn about anymore. yeah, thats right, i said it and it was super bitchy. and i just dont give a fuck. like how i dont give a fuck about the flaming lips. they suck. but cursive certainly doesnt. fuck dennys.
i would like dreadlocks pretty much right goddamn now. and a cigarette. and my ben. then i would be a happy camper.
everyone go to festa italiana. i will be selling water. its healthy, buy that shit. everyone feel free to call me. ecspecially if theres a party or something, cos i havent partied in awhile. and by party, pretty much i mean buy me some mikes hard lemonade. or just give me one. my skinny ass will get tipsy i bet. and give me a few tacos. and some x. and by x i undoubtedly mean...xmas cards.
wonderwall is on, gotta go.