I've finally run out of Breaking Bad episodes. :(
There is now a gaping hole in my soul. How can I possibly survive until next summer? And not only that, but the eight episodes set to air next year (to complete Season 5) will also be the final episodes of the entire series.
It will be sad, but watching Walt's downward spiral, in particular during this first half of Season 5, well it's obvious the end is near.
And I just cannot forgive him for Mike.
Jesse wised up and is now afraid of him (as he rightly should be, although I don't believe even psycho Walt could ever bring himself to seriously hurt, much less kill Jesse - for any reason).
I think, one of the things that makes this series so incredibly fascinating is that the main protagonist started off as an antihero who made very wrong choices for what he believed to be good reasons (to benefit his family). And throughout the course of these five seasons, you've seen Walt go from someone you still rooted for, even though he made such immoral decisions (not unlike Dexter), to a full blown psychopath, blinded by his ego and lust for power. It's still fun to watch an evil character like that, and he still has his charms, but it's getting difficult to actually like him any more. And I can't think of another TV show that has been able to get away with doing that to its main character. Or has even attempted to do that with its main character. This show is so incredibly unique for that reason alone.
There's no doubt Walt's ego is his fatal flaw. That's pretty evident already, what with him just leaving that book lying around for anyone to find. And the absolute worst person (for Walt) just found it.
I still would like to see Dexter get away with it all at the end of his series. With Breaking Bad, however, I kind of want Walt to pay for what he's done.
While I still love the Walt/Jesse dynamic, I just can't see their relationship ever returning to what it was in their early days together. It was almost that way again at the start of Season 5 with enamored, loyal puppy!Jesse, but it was based on a lie, and it unraveled again just as quickly as Walt himself unraveled. If Jesse ever finds out about Jane/Brock/Mike, I wouldn't be surprised if he'd be the one to finally pull the trigger on Walt. For real this time.
And you know what? I think I'd find that to be perfectly satisfying at this point.
(Even though it might ruin Jesse completely. As if Walt hasn't done enough damage to him already...)
Whatever happens, if this series doesn't end tragically, it would be a shock.
And I think I want my tragic ending.
But meanwhile, I'm going to enjoy these gag reels. *g*
0:37 - "I want you to handle it." PENIS SQUIRT GUN.
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1:45 - "Eat me." "Oh I'll eat you alright..." I do not slash these two. Really, I don't. But it seems they do. ;p
I also cannot stand Skylar on the show, but the actress who plays her is hilarious.
Click to view
1:00 - "I know I'm a piece of meat, but it's okay."
4:20 - Oh gawd no.
(This show has me convinced that Cranston would be far too happy running around in his underwear 24/7.)
Click to view
No Season 1 bloopers (that I can find anyway). :(