bloodnblack Aug 09, 2007 20:53
latin, kaleigh, fandom!daydreams, ew, first day of school, jesus fuck, no lj cut for you, lubienski, god i miss lamb, school, sasori, fuji, oshima high, carter, angry parents, whatthefuckinghell, damnit, district curia, tldr, middle school blows, lolololol, toolongdidn'tread, fandom, ranting, hughes, annoying guys, mom, zach, shisasu, dj, charlie, draney, middle school, hahaha, epic narrations of exactly three and a h, 7th grade, shisui, art, advanced art, annoying freshmen, wellness, heehee, bearden high, hot freshmen, timmy, long entry zomg, frank, wtf, algebra, zomgwhathefuck, greg