Jan 23, 2007 16:25
hoshit caps lock, diru concert, ohmygod, oranges, stacie, omg, stacieee, oomfg, georgia, hickeys, happy happy happy, happy, omgg, omffg, plane tickets wot?, concert next weekend, hot things, febuary 3rd, life is good, stacie in them too, dir en grey in my pants, stakeh, ommfg, happy lol, i have a reason to live, hampton inns, omigod taggsss, no words can express my joy, omfg, dude roadtrip, omfdjfvxcnv, continental breakfasts, omigod, dude concert, omfgg, music, diru, dude where's my car?!, dir en grey, atlanta, omigod liifeee, omff, stacie's dad has got it goin on, oh my god, concert