This is our tree. I named him Zetsu. Isn't be beautiful? I know. He is. But, alas, he will be in a compost heap by today. Rest in peace, my lovely Zetsu ;_;
That's my early Christmas present I got around the third, his name is Sasuke, and yes, I have a male cellphone. Do not laugh at me. He's fabulous. He delivers information like a good little bitch and he starts singing Marilyn Manson or Madonna, depending on who's calling me.
In the present category, I got a bunch of art supplies *_* I really scored this year. ♥
My stocking was batshit stuffed with candy, yummy yummy ♥ Much thanks, Santa-danna. You gave me Pocky~! I looove that shit. As well, there are these little chocolates with aluminum foil wrapping that look like penguins. Homg.
I'm not giving you the story on the razor. (Sigh.) But they gave me some new hairbrushes, because all my hair's been falling out recently and my hairbrushes have so much hair in them it's totally useless. I have to clean them out like, once a week. x_X;
NARUTO SEASON TWO HOYES. *-*;; And a beautiful Sound-Nin headband. I like, died over these. Oh so orgasmic. I like the dub stfu. It has the Japanese version too >_>
Candles 8D I'm a total candle whore, and incense and stuff, so my mom got me some Chocolatey candles (the brown ones) and some black ones, because... My room has pretty much got a black and purple theme and my clothing is pretty much just black, with random intervals of other colors as I see fit. I love the candles though. They smell sooo good *_*
I also got this pretty longsleeved shirt. It's a bit more Scene/Emo style than I usually wear, but it's so cute ♥
And this scarf, which is absolutely glorious and I will wear it as much as I possibly can.
BUT THE BEST GIFT OF ALL WAS MOST DEFINATELY THIS. I named him Shisui. He's so beautiful. He's stuffed silly with Miyavi, Manson, Diru, NIN, VAC, and the like. I am honestly in love. Beautiful Shi-kun ♥ I will take care of you well.
That's Neji.
Happy Christmas ♥