Dad fixed the computer! Yay!
Le` Updates: I got some Valentine's goodies for Hannah, DayZ, and Erynn. They can just guess what they are. Gabby was being superly emo today, which bugged the hell out of me. I mean for god's sake, I have barely started sitting with her group and she's already taking advantage of me, as though expecting an "oh gabby i'm sorry so sorry blah blah blah" I dont play her games anymore -_- DJ practically hates her, and wtf they're going out! She doesn't like him that much either. They have such a fucking abusive relationship! Goddess, however insignifigant you have been in my life this past year, do us a favor and stop giving Cupid cocain!
But dad did fix the computer! Yay!
Ground Rules: The 1st player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yourself" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to tag some of your friends.
1. i can read thoughts, im not shitting you, but it only works sometimes
2. i have a nude-o-phobia
3. i have ripped my nails (yep the whole damn thing) off with my teeth
4. i keep knives under my bed and a kendo blade by my door, just in case
5. i have a weird obsession with the josie and the pussycat's movie soundtrack
I tag: