I never talked about the Cake concert with you guys. Maybe I'm too lazy. But in short, it rocked hard and I was in the motherfuckin' from row. Some asshole kept groping me, but I just ignored him, and I nearly got kicked in the face by some guy who was getting crowd-carried. But why would I care? I got to see Cake closer than 7000 other people :DDD!
In other news, I fucking adore this song. It reminds me of Naruto >___>;;;
district_curiadistrict_curiadistrict_curiadistrict_curiadistrict_curiadistrict_curiadistrict_curiadistrict_curiadistrict_curiadistrict_curia Yeah. Join.
Cassie wants to fuck me. I've become a little scared of her. .______.;