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AT 5 a.m;;; composited July 30 2009, 18:33:39 UTC
[ SHE HATES YOU SHE HATES THE WORLD AND SHE HATES George for not making normal clothes but that's a given with him-- still she's not wearing the froofy hair tie or the pearl train, and has a spare bag with sandals and what have you. It looks pretty normal otherwise, kind of-- SO YES, SHOTEN EMPLOYEES, HAVE A MODEL DOLL WORKING AMONG YOU.

Of course, she looks like she's about to kick something, if it wasn't going to hurt her shoes. ]

I knew it!! I knew he was pulling something!!



AT 5 a.m;;; shedyourstripes July 30 2009, 20:08:14 UTC
[There is only only thing for him to say:

Why is he even here. BUT HERE HE IS. ON TIME. As if he didn't know better. But he didn't expect anyone else to be there. Even-]

Hayasaka, right?

[Derp coming up now, in some pretty normal human clothes for once. And, uh, distracted from thoughts of the coming Urahara abuse for a second. But only a second. What was she wearing-]

... He's probably asleep, you know.


[ 1/2 ] composited July 30 2009, 23:11:23 UTC
[ WHEN SHE'S TOLD TO DO SOMETHING, SHE DOES IT. And she's got her fists clenched and is grumbling to herself when she sees Renji.

She ought to be used to seeing weird looking people and Renji hardly fits the definition of absolutely normal, but at least he looks better than what she had-- ]

A-Abarai-san? You too?


AT 5 a.m;;; [2/3 sorry :D ] composited July 30 2009, 23:13:31 UTC
[ Okay so maybe there was a meeting.

Maybe. But the place is closed.

And then he says that and she slumps her shoulders. ]

A-Asleep? He called us here, and he's asleep?


AT 5 a.m;;; composited July 30 2009, 23:15:20 UTC
I don't believe this!! What does he expect us to do at this hour?! Stand here and wait?!

[ Oh yeah she's grumpy. But at least she can appear good while doing it. ]


AT 5 a.m;;; FFF SORRY FOR THE WAIT /been tired and ew shedyourstripes August 3 2009, 01:57:52 UTC
[Okay so this is kind of funny.]

... Pretty much.

[He shrugs, like he's used to it, which he... is. Glaaancing at the shop, and then looking back at her. STILL WONDERING WHY SHE'S DRESSED LIKE THAT AND- holy crap she's tall. Uh. Anyway-]

I doubt he expected you'd actually show up.


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