[ooc: After
this thread. Gojyo's unconscious and sleep-talks; unfortunately, previous fiddling with his PDA and then falling on it starts the recording for a voice post.]
*sound of a body being dragged across the floor*
*a thump, the sound of a body being dropped*
*long silence. someone is moving nearby, but very quietly. they are breathing somewhat heavily.*
I'm sorry...
*choking sound*
I'm sorry, Hakkai...I'm so sorry...
*a groan*
[Screened to Sanzo] [that is, Gojyo's voice becomes too soft for the PDA to record clearly and only Sanzo hears because he's sitting right beside him.]
I'm sorry...I...I love you...
I'm sorry....
*low moans*
[Gojyo shifts restlessly on the bed and rolls on the PDA, turning it off]